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101 days clean: Bankrupt to Bankrolled

6 min read

This is a story about bouncing a dead cat...

St James Park

How does one break an addiction to supercrack and benzodiazepines? How does one go from certain bankruptcy, destitution, madness... back to normal life, complete with 9 to 5, Monday to Friday office routine and all the outward appearance of having one's shit together?

Well, it's not through abstinence.

I tapered off the benzos, using a combination of, Zopiclone, Diazepam, Nitrazepam, Mirtazepine, Valerian and bucketloads of wine.

Getting off the supercrack meant simply hitting a brick wall of depression, lethargy and anhedonia. I could have used weaker stimulants to stop myself from going off a cliff edge, but I just sucked up the cognitive impairment, extreme exhaustion, and rebound depression.

Because I abstained from all stimulants for nearly 3 months, I've been able to re-addict myself to caffeine in the last couple of weeks, in order to limp myself through the difficult period of getting back into the working routine.

I now have a flat white coffee every morning, pre 10am, and I sometimes have wine in the evenings, although I have pretty much managed to cut out midweek drinking. Ideally, I'd just like to drink on a Wednesday night when I meet up with a friend at the pub, and on Friday & Saturday nights.

However, it's not adequate. I'm struggling to get up in the mornings, even though I addicted myself to coffee with the idea that it would be a 'treat' for getting up and going to work, and incorporating addiction into my routine would mean that I'm kinda addicting myself to work. But it hasn't worked.

In the evenings, I could easily polish off one, two bottles of wine. Bizarrely, I find it easier to get up in the morning with a stinking hangover than I do when I'm stone cold sober. However, alcohol is a horrendous drug for your health. I hope that perhaps my brain is still getting used to life without tranquillisers. Coming off benzos is the most horrible thing that can happen to anybody, ever. Imagine just feeling on edge, anxious, the whole frigging time.

I'm not sure what I can do to lift my mood. I've flipped my suicidal thoughts from being something I felt all day, when I was at work, to now being something that I feel as I repeatedly press the 'snooze' button and hide under the duvet, putting off the start of the day.

I literally feel in two minds whether I'm going to get up and have a shower, or get up, run a hot bath and go fetch a sharp knife in order to slit my veins.

Things are supposed to get easier, aren't they? I keep waiting for my mood to lift, for the anxiety to dissipate, for the days to go quicker, for the routine to feel sustainable, for the demotivation and lack of enthusiasm to subside, for energy to return, to start enjoying things again. I'm still waiting.

I've tried to give myself some things to look forward to, to give me some light at the end of the tunnel, but perhaps I've been too ambitious in putting them way off in the future. My perception of time is totally warped. Weeks seem like months, years even.

I keep telling myself I gave my brain a hell of a beating, and it will recover in time. I'm so close to giving in and marching to the doctor for some happy pills, and some medically sanctioned tranquillisers, as opposed to just continuing to drink far too much alcohol.

This is the difference with this recovery: I've decided to do whatever works, and ignore the bad advice of people who've never been there, never done it, don't know what it's like. I'm ignoring all the failures - the pill-poppers and alcohol abusers - who hypocritically tell me that I'm doing it wrong, despite their own substance dependencies.

Complacency is a big danger, and I keep having scary moments where I become aware that addictions don't die easily, they just hide in your subconscious and try to tell you that life is terrible and you should just give up and relapse.

I found myself having dreams about using drugs, and thinking about how I could maybe employ strategies to use drugs in moderation, but I've been around the block enough times now to know that those are just addict's lies we tell ourselves, as we backslide into addiction.

It feels like cravings have well and truly gone, but what's left instead is a miserable life of quiet desperation, where I'm barely able to get through the day without thoughts of suicide or running away to Timbuktu.

It's all too much to bear, rebuilding your life. It takes so long. There are so many things you take for granted, in your ordered existence. Rehabilitation is just that: so many things are neglected, broken.

Something as simple as changing your address on all your post might seem simple to you, but when you've also got to get a job, a place to live, reconnect with friends, get back into a hobby/sport, fix broken stuff, replace lost stuff, get back into a routine... plus all the things that got neglected: the unpaid bills that piled up, the passport that needs renewing, the zillion and one little bits of admin that didn't get done, which include everything from a tax return to a request to tell some bureaucrat the name of my first pet, so that they can justify their pointless job.

One day at a time the idiots say. Fuck the hell off. I can extrapolate. If every day is going to be as hard, and it's going to take a zillion of them before I'm getting anywhere, how am I ever going to sustain it? Counting the days is so disheartening - not that I do it - when you think, jeez, I should be feeling a lot better than I do, after 101 days already.

Perhaps there's a simple desire for a time when I had abandoned all responsibility, and knew I was on a collision course with disaster, destitution. I enjoyed the fatalism of it. I enjoyed being relieved of the relentless struggle to get, where? Where did all that struggle get me anyway? What was the point in struggling, in stressing?

The current plan is to tidy up my affairs, and then leave this shitty lifestyle behind. Not the drug taking, but the wage slavery, the working to simply pay rent and consume crap, get fat and die of old age or stress/obesity-related illness.

It's strange, when your fantasies revolve around being destitute, homeless, penniless again.





22 min read

This is a story about body shopping...

IT Contractor

What's the difference between a temp, a freelancer, a self-employed person, a contractor and a consultant? What's the difference between an employee and an entrepreneur?

Last year I was working for HSBC, along with a bunch of nice folks from several different consultancies, plus a handful of permanent members of staff. The teamwork was brilliant, but the surprising thing was that we all had different agendas.

Given that I had gone back to HSBC as a contractor, having been a permanent member of staff there for over 4 years, it was somewhat of a mindset change. I was also homeless and still very much in the vice-like grip of drug addiction, which wasn't a good start.

I was exhausted, and I had somewhat induced within myself, some fairly major symptoms of mental illness, which caused me to make some rather outlandish interpretations of the reality I experienced.

Imagine being plucked from the park, where you are living and contemplating bankruptcy and the coffin nail that will drive into your career, your business. Imagine facing up to the reality that everything you're qualified and experienced to do, since you started IT contracting at age 20, is now going to go down the shitter, and you're homeless, abandoned by the state - the council have sent you a one-line email saying that you're not even worth a hostel bed to them.

Then, imagine that almost overnight, you're working on the number one project for the biggest bank in Europe. You're so exhausted that you are sleeping in the toilet. Everything seems surreal, from the moment you put on your suit in the morning in a hostel dormitory paid for with a credit card you can't afford to pay off, to the moment you turn up in the headquarters of a prestigious Tier 1 bank that you used to work for, when you were clean, sober, young, happy, ambitious, energetic, enthusiastic and respected.

The challenge was to get through 60 days of working, without running out of credit completely. I had to get to work every day and pay for my hostel bed, for a whole month before I could submit my first invoice, which would be paid 30 days later. Obviously, it also looks rather unusual to your colleagues if you can't afford to eat lunch or socialise. The pressure was immense.

What does a poker player do, if they have a weak hand? They bluff, obviously.

To compensate for my fear, and the odds that were stacked against me, I turned the dial up to 11. I tried hard. Far, far too hard. I told the team that I'd take responsibility for a critical piece of work, and deliver it in a short space of time, along with an extremely capable colleague, who actually knew that it was a monster piece of work.

I should have been laughed out of the door. I can't believe that nobody particularly picked up on the fact that I was shooting from the hip, out of a combination of fear, exhaustion, drug withdrawal, mental illness and a touch of arrogance.

How on earth was my ego not going to be stoked? I had just cheated death, bankruptcy, destitution, and now I had the CIO of the number one project in the biggest bank in Europe surprising me, by naming me in person, as the team member responsible for one of the pivotal pieces of the program, in front of the entire town hall. I looked around - "is he talking about me?" - yes, it appeared he was. How surreal.

First day

As a drug addicted homeless person, you're kind of invisible. People would like it if you just crawled into some dark hole and died, quietly. You're nobody's problem but your own, and everybody pretends not to notice you, as you drag your bags through the street, swatting at invisible flies and talking to yourself incomprehensibly.

Suddenly, people not only seem to value you, listen to you, but also look to you for some kind of professional guidance, leadership. Is this the state that important IT projects have reached, where the hobo junkie is the one calling the shots? I realise that I wasn't actually calling the shots, but that's what it feels like when you've been scraped up from the pavement, stuffed into a suit and now you're working in a fancy office full of glass, steel and granite.

It embarrasses me, but also pleases me that I'm still on good terms with a few respected colleagues, and they can tease me about "the time when you said you were going to deliver X by Y". However, not everything I said was worthless tosh.

This is where the difference in mindsets comes in.

As a permanent member of staff, your best shot of getting pay rises and promotions is to raise your profile. Given an hour to do some work, you might as well spend 50 minutes writing an email about what a brilliant person you are and how clever you are, and 10 minutes actually doing some work, rather than the other way around. People who just knuckle down and get on with the work they're supposed to be doing, tend to be overlooked when it comes to the end of year review.

As a contractor, you're all about contract renewals. When your contract is coming up towards its end, you're on best behaviour. You try to shine and make yourself a key-man dependency, so that you can demand a big rate increase, because you're indispensable. Personally though, I hate making myself a key-man dependency. It's unprofessional, however you are economically incentivised to do it, so many contractors dig themselves into little fiefdoms.

As a consultant however, you have the worst of both worlds. You have to kiss the arse of both the client and your consultancy. There's a huge conflict of interests. The consultancy want you to stay on your placement, and for as many headcount as possible to be working with you on the client project, if you're working time & materials. What exactly is consulting about being a disguised employee? Where is the value-add from the consultancy, when the client wants you to be embedded in their organisation, like a permanent member of staff?

Hospital discharge

The reasons for using consultancy staff, contractors, temps, freelancers, is that you can get rid of them when the project is done. However, the other reason is that you don't have all the headache of having to performance manage underperforming and difficult staff members out of your organisation. In theory, it's a lot easier to hire & fire... with the firing being the desirable bit.

It used to be the case that you could get a job as an IT contractor with just a 20 minute phone interview and start the next day. If you were shit, you'd just be terminated on the spot. Never happened to me, but that was the deal you struck... you'd be on immediate notice for the first week. Then you'd be on a week's notice. Then you'd be on 4 weeks notice, just like a permie. However, I always used to get my contract renewed, because I know how to play the game, kiss ass and keep my lip buttoned at the right time.

So, what happened? Well, stress, money, recovery from addiction, relapse, housing stresses and everything in-between conspired in my private life to mean that I was living life by the seat of my pants. I was running for my life.

After only a week in the new job, I decided that it was an impossible mountain to climb, and that there was no way that I could live in a large hostel dormitory and work on a stressful project, plus get myself clean from drugs, plus dig myself out of near-certain bankruptcy. There were just too many problems to face, working full-time in a crisply laundered shirt and a nice suit, while hiding the crippling problems in my private life.

You can't just go to your boss and say "I'm sorry I didn't mention this before, but I'm a homeless recovering drug addict, who suffers mental health problems at times of extreme stress and exhaustion, and I'm practically bankrupt as well as barely able to keep myself clean, sane, out of hospital and off the streets". Contracting doesn't work like that. Your personal life is nobody's problem but your own... you've signed that deal with the devil. You get paid more, but you're also expected to not get sick and not bring your personal problems with you to the office.

I disappeared on my second week in the job, getting mixed up with the police, thrown out of the hostel where I was living, and ending up in hospital, as the pressure was simply too much to bear, I thought that my lifeline was pretty much spent. The odds of being able to get off the streets were too slim anyway. It couldn't be done. I gave up, and relapsed.

Do you think you can just pick up the phone and say "errr, yeah, I need two weeks off to sleep, an advance of several thousand pounds, and I'd like to come back to work part-time for a little while until I'm up to full strength, because I've been dragging bags all over London, living in parks and on heathland, in and out of hospitals, rehabs and crisis houses, addicted to some deadly shit and battling mental health problems. It seems silly that I didn't mention this at the interview, as I'm sure you would have been just fine with giving me an opportunity to get myself off the street and back into the land of the living"?

Office backpack

You know what though? I did get a second chance. There's no denying that certain allowances were made for me. A blind eye was turned to the fact that I was basically either shouting at people or nodding off in meetings for the first week. I went AWOL twice. Once for a whole week where I basically decided that everything was f**ked and there was no way I could ever make things work, and once for nearly a whole day, when I was swept up in the euphoria of working with nice people and got paralytically drunk with my colleagues and couldn't face telling my boss that I was sick again.

Through my divorce, I lost heaps of friends who were shared with me and the ex. I decided to move back to London, because I knew I could find lots of work. However most of my London friends had moved out of town, in order to start a family. Also, you don't make many friends when you're living in a park sniffing supercrack, and getting hospitalised for 14 weeks a year. I can tell you more about the private life of a friendly police officer that I know, than I can tell you about some other acquaintances from that turbulent period.

Anyway, I was desperately trying to cement things - get my own flat, get some money in the bank, get into a working pattern that was sustainable - but it was too much to ask. 'Friends' sensed that I was recovering, and decided to come asking for favours : lend me some money, let me live with you, give me a job etc. etc.

When you're desperately lonely, because you've split up with the two loves of your life - your wife, and supercrack - you're vulnerable to wanting to people-please. I risked my reputation, when I got a so-called friend an interview, because he pressured me. I overstretched myself, renting a flat that swallowed up all my money, which was my safety net. I didn't even pick my flat... my friend did, and he thought he was going to get to live there rent free. I put up with a lot of shit, because I was desperate for friends, for acceptance, to be liked.

If you think all this can be boiled down to a 'drug problem' you're wrong. In order for a person to feel whole, they need friends, they need a job, they need a place to live, they need to feel that they're living independently : paying the rent, earning their money, able to pay for the essentials of life, and not always just hustling, on the run.

There are quite a lot of pieces to the puzzle that is a complete life that's worth living. Do you really think I just want to be kept alive, in a straightjacket in a padded cell. Is it unreasonable to want to work, to want to feel like I'm making a contribution, to want to feel like I'm liked, loved, to want to feel like I exist, and that I'm valued somewhere, by somebody?

I loved the instant social connection I had with the "winners" who were a group of fellow consultants at HSBC. There was good camaraderie, and they were young and enthusiastic, not bitter and jaded like me. Their enthusiasm for their job and inclusive social circle was exactly what I needed, along with cold, hard cash, and a place to go every day that wasn't a bush in a park, with a wrap of supercrack.


Somewhat unwittingly - although I don't know how much people were able to guess or find out behind my back - the Winners bootstrapped my life. Even though there were the usual commercial rules of the game, about being a disposable contractor who's supposed to keep their mouth shut and not rock the boat, there was still bucketloads of humanity there. People were kind to me. They invited me into their lives, and in doing so, they saved mine.

When a colleague texted me while I was in California, to say that we had to go back to work doing the shittiest possible work for a scrum manager we didn't have a whole heap of respect for, it was pretty clear that it wasn't sustainable. I busted my balls to get cleaned up, off the streets, into a flat of my own and to restabilise my finances. However, I've never been the best at buttoning my lip and allowing myself to be 'managed' by somebody I have barely concealed contempt for.

I knew that all I had to do to get my contract terminated was to send one or two fairly outspoken emails to the project's management team who were insecure and relatively incompetent. They'd actually started to listen and change things though, so there was no purpose to the emails I sent, other than to try and elicit an email saying "don't bother coming back to work" so that I could spend some more time with my friends in San Francisco.

The pressure of having to try and cement the gains that I had made, while still carrying some of the burdens that had been accumulated, was too much. I was in no position to be the responsible guy, picking up the phone every time things went wrong and having to mop up messes. I was in no position to be paying 100% of my rent, with a lazy flatmate who shared none of the risk and none of the financial burden or responsibility for making sure the bills got paid and the household ran smoothly. I was in no position to face months and months more, working at the kind of breakneck pace that was inevitable on a project that I had been forced to take out of desperation.

I had done far too many 12 or 14 hour days. I was on email around the clock. I never switched off. I had driven myself insane, pressurising myself to fix all the broken things in my life, and shore up the gains that I had made. Insecurity and fear had given way to delusions of grandeur. I wanted to do everything, for everybody, immediately. I was very, very sick, because of the enormity of the task of not only the project, but the problems I was overcoming in my personal life. A breakdown was inevitable.

Managing things elegantly was unlikely to happen. I dropped hints about needing a holiday, but I needed to be firm, to assert myself. People expected me to manage my own personal needs, but what they didn't realise was that my needs were conflicted: I needed a financial safety cushion just as much as I needed some time off. When the offer of overtime was wafted under my nose, and the management team wouldn't stop phoning me up at weekends, they didn't have to twist my arm very hard to get me to work Saturdays, Sundays, nights. I needed the money, and I needed to feel like I was important and valued again, having only just escaped being an invisible homeless bum, tossed out of civilised society, never to return.

My experience as an IT contractor, my seniority as somebody who's run large teams, as a Development Manager, an IT Director, a CEO... I'm no fool. I knew that I was working at an unsustainable pace, making myself sick, but what choice did I have? I had so much to fix, and money and hard work can fix most problems. I knew that I needed a holiday, but I was vulnerable to being pressured into doing things that I would never do, under normal circumstances, due to the fragility of my situation.

My colleagues were kind enough to drop hints, and to tell me the tricks that they were employing to avoid management pressures and the general panic that was endemic on the project. They could see I was tired, and going slightly mad. They were worried, and it was kind of them to think of me, on a personal level. However, they didn't really know just how bad things were in my private life. They didn't know just what a journey I had been on. They didn't know what I was running away from.

When I snapped, I didn't know where to run for safety. I thought the safest place would be hospital. I was desperate. I could easily have run for drugged-up oblivion again, even though I was 5 months clean at that point, and one month sober. I could easily have run for the kitchen knife, and slit my wrists in the bath. I was desperate. So close to recovery, and yet so far.

I needed to chuck my freeloader flatmate out of my apartment. I needed to quit my contract and get something easier. I needed to not have the expectation, the weight of responsibility I had unnecessarily brought upon myself, in my desperate insecurity and desire to feel wanted, needed, useful, important, after my entire sense of self had been smashed to a pulp by the dehumanising experience of destitution.

Hospital was a safe place to do it.

Then, unable to grasp the nettle of what needed to be done, which could have been as simple as saying "I need another two weeks off work, to go on holiday, because I'm fucked", I decided to just run away. I booked a flight to San Francisco, leaving myself just a few hours to pack my bags and get to the airport. What was my plan? I had no idea. Even suicide seemed preferable to continuing to live with such crushing pressure, fear and hopeless odds stacked against me.

After a few days amongst friends, I decided that I wanted my contract terminated, immediately. I fired off a provocative email to the CIO. Jackpot! The guy who was responsible for us consultants emails me to say that he wants to see me... in Wimbledon, miles away from HSBC headquarters. I mail back to ask why, but he deftly avoids telling me my contract is terminated via email, despite me pressing him on the matter. Does nobody get the hint?

Nick in black

I come back to London, pissed off that nobody has had the guts to actually call me out to my face, or even by email, and that I've not been able to extend my stay in California. Out of spite, I decide to embarrass the consultancy and the management team, by going into HSBC HQ, blagging my way in even though my security pass has already been deactivated. I march up to the program director and ask him if he's happy with my work, is there a problem? In front of the whole team, he says he's happy with my work and there's no problem, he's pleased to have me back at work.

I milk a few hello-goodbyes with colleagues who I like and respect, while watching the people who want me gone squirm with discomfort. I'm loving every second of watching who's got integrity, humanity, and who's decided that I'm no longer flavour of the month. It's a masterclass in office politics, even though we're all contractors, all consultants. I'm committing every exquisite detail of my final minutes in the office to memory, as I deliberately waste time having my breakfast, before making my way to Wimbledon to wind up the poor messenger whose job it is to try and help the consultancy and the management team save face, by terminating my contract.

By this time, my access to email has been revoked, even though a colleague who accompanies me out of the building, pretends like everything is normal and like we're just having a friendly chat - as opposed to being escorted off the premises by a security guard. I know. Do they know I know? Surely they must.

Unable to send a goodbye email, I ask a colleague who is also called Nick Grant, but who works in Leeds, to send an email on my behalf to a mailing group that contains everybody on the project. It's naughty as hell, but I'm enjoying twisting the knife. What is it that I've really done wrong, other than getting sick and having to go to hospital? What is it that I said, other than what needed to be said, the truth? But I know the game. I know that nobody wants a loose cannon. Nobody wants anybody rocking the boat. I didn't play by the rules. Does anybody realise that this is my way of quitting with immediate effect, and without having to work my notice period?

It might seem like sour grapes. I needed that job. I liked my colleagues. I loved that social scene. That contract saved my life.

However, how do you reconcile your social life, your personal difficulties, your needs, with the role you've been forced into?

What's the difference between a contractor and a consultant? A contractor knows they're a mercenary. They're there to earn as much cash as quickly as they possibly can, and they accept that they can be terminated at the drop of a hat. A consultant just doesn't realise they're getting a bum deal. There's no such thing as an IT consultant. It's just a made-up thing now that software houses and long-term IT contractors have fallen out of favour, with the dreadful rise and rise of outsourcing and this stupid idea that software is ever going to be cheap and easy.

So, to the Winners. Thank you for saving my life. Thank you for putting up with my rocky start, my dreadful ego, my shouting. Thank you for putting up with my arrogance, and for laughing at my over-ambitious ideas. Thank you for trying to keep me humble, and remind me of the rules of the game. Thank you for taking me into your lovely social world. Thank you for the emotional support. Thank you for treating me like a human being, not a software robot. Thank you for dealing with the fallout that I inevitably caused, when implosion happened. Thank you for not hating me, as I wandered into the territory of delusions of grandeur and heroics, and self-important jumped-up craziness.

You might not realise this, but you saw a rather twisted, weird, screwed up version of me, as I clawed my way up a cliff face of recovery, from the bankrupt, homeless, junkie, friendless, single, lonely, unhappy, insane husk of a man that I was, in mid-June last year.

It's been quite a year. God knows what happened with the Customer Due Diligence project, but I'm glad the due diligence on me didn't work, because the Winners and HSBC ended up unwittingly saving my life and getting me back on my feet. I don't think I would have ever had that opportunity if my dark private life was known in advance.

I'm sorry if it feels like I used you. Hopefully, it feels like a good thing happened. Hopefully you feel happy to have played a role in bringing a person back from the brink, even if I was a sneaky bastard, and somewhat underhand about the whole thing, as well as going a bit bonkers at times.

Silver linings, eh?

Glass lift

The photos I've put up include some rather unflattering images of a rather battered and bruised body, that just about hung together with sticky tape to somehow carry me through some brutal times. My private life wasn't exactly 'healthy' leading up to last June.



Escaping from the Island

7 min read

This is a story about being marooned...

Thames Clipper

The Isle of Dogs has been a pretty peaceful place to live, and I really needed for once in my life to see that the chaos in my life doesn't have to end in disaster and death. It's been a long time since things were on my terms.

This year has been a write-off so far, but while it looks like I've just wasted the best part of 4 months, in fact there has been a profound amount of psychological repair work done.

I should be babbling complete nonsense to myself, slowly rocking in a corner, completely detached from reality. I should be swinging from the chandeliers in a complete state of madness, but I'm not.

My extreme paranoia about outside interference, invasion of privacy, having my life dictated by people who don't know or care about me, being peered at like a goldfish in its bowl, having my cage rattled by aggressive and hostile people who don't care about my wellbeing... these psychological wounds have been quite remarkably healed in the last 4 months.

Ok, so I spent 3 months almost not leaving my bedroom. Only in the last few weeks have I been starting to come out of my shell a bit more, starting to think about a return to normality, with any credibility. Sure, I prematurely declared that I was ready to embark on the next crackpot scheme. That was just a reaction to the extreme things that I was going through. In the cold light of day, it was clear I was very sick indeed.

It sounds pathetic, but I took some tentative first steps back into the real world, and it's a big deal. The disruption, the disturbance, the chaos, the damage, the stress, the pressure, the neglect, the dysfunction... all of this caused me to just freeze in my tracks. Some kind of pretend recovery, propped up by drugs/medication/coffee, is not really recovery. Sure, I can do what I need to when I'm just about surviving, but it's not a path to thriving.

Sure, it's true that I'm not very compliant. The more pressure you pile onto me, the more likely it is that I'll dig in my heels and refuse to cave in. I tend to run the opposite direction to most other people. I won't put up with living miserably. I won't put up with being pushed around. I won't accept a pitiful painful and pointless existence, for the benefit of somebody else.

Tower Bridge

There's a great deal of pressure on me to toe the line. My sister once suggested I could get a low paid job at the place where she works, 130 miles away from my apartment in London. Has she been brainwashed? Has she been completely swept up in the madness of the idea of being underpaid, overworked and doing some shitty work that doesn't even pay for your travel, accommodation and bills? What sane and rational person would think that's a great idea.

London is where the jobs are. The well paid jobs for qualified professionals. I've been working as an IT professional for 20 years. I've never been short of employment opportunities. It's simply a question of mental health, and what's an acceptable standard of living for a person. What's the point of getting into debt and getting really sick, for the benefit of somebody else? Just to fit in? Madness.

Ok, so on close examination, there are some gaps in my recent employment history, but lots of IT contractors work for 6 to 9 months and then take 3 or 6 month breaks. Given the choice, why would you drive yourself insane, working too hard and never getting ahead. I've still made a considerable contribution to a couple of important projects, and worked for some massive companies quite recently. There is nothing to suggest that my skills and employability are in any way diminished.

In fact, I never really switch off. Even in down time, I'm still reading, still prototyping and experimenting. Research and development. My personal computer is full of development work: keeping my skills up to date and the grey matter ticking over. I never stop challenging myself.

Sure, everybody would like to see things happen overnight. Miraculous recovery, business as usual, normal service resumed. Well, sorry, I'm not going to rush my health and wellbeing.

Is it selfish or arrogant, to take my time, to tread carefully? This is about the first time in living memory that I actually feel well supported and I've got a good clean shot at what I want, rather than having to just rush into something, because of insurmountable pressure.

I like that people have shown their true colours. I know who I can count on, and who's just living in a self-centred little fantasy world. There are remarkably few people who make good on their promises, and their responsibilities and obligations. There are remarkably few decent human beings in the world.

HMS Belfast

I certainly don't put myself in the 'decent human being' bucket, but I'm keeping track of the score. I know who I'm indebted to, and I know how my karma is doing. I keep a pretty close eye on what difference I'm making to the world I live in.

It surprises me that many people don't question their own actions. It's a bit like smoking. Why on earth do people smoke? Cigarettes are really expensive, they're bad for your health, they make your breath and your clothes stink, stain your teeth as well as creating a stink that other people have to smell, and can even damage other people's health with your second-hand smoke. It must be by purely acting with animal instincts alone that people smoke. If they used their higher brain functions, they'd stop.

Obviously, I'm in no position to judge. It's just an observation, that there's very little upside in doing something with so many downsides. It would be understandable if there was something that was quickly achieved by smoking, other than the relief of a craving. It would be understandable if people did it in extreme circumstances, such as severe stress and depression, but it seems to offer so little escapism. At least supercrack will probably kill you at the end of a fairly insane ride to hell.

That's what it means to me, to examine my actions in great detail. When I question why I do the things I do, and decide what I want to do, how I want to live life, it's with a cold and rational objective analysis. When I do drink alcohol, coffee or have a sleeping pill, I can tell you precisely what the desired effects are, and whether I plan to turn alcoholic, stimulant or sleeping pill addict... nope!

I've decided that I will use alcohol and caffeine in moderation, to regulate my moods, when they are going to tip into destructive extremes. It was a strategy that worked for almost my entire adult life, so I'm going to return to a tried and trusted formula. Given that I've never been an alcoholic, and I managed to avoid stimulant addiction for so many years, despite having a lot of strong coffee, there is a lot of good data to support my case for having those crutches during exceptional periods of mood fluctuation.

The problem comes when you can't get up in the morning without the promise of a cup of coffee, and you can't get to sleep at night without an alcoholic drink. It's me who's going to define what I consider to be moderation, nobody else, but you can be damn sure that I won't be having any coffee after 3pm and I won't be drinking before lunchtime, and there will be plenty of days when I don't have any caffeine or alcohol at all.

I'm not answerable to anybody. I've made my peace with myself.

Bed of Roses

Stopping to smell the roses gives me a natural mood lift, but it's just not practical sometimes. When you've gotta work, you've gotta work, and it's all rush, rush, rush. Stuff your yoga up your arse.



Induced Amnesia

5 min read

This is a story about impaired memory...

Chemical Carnage

On the 6th of April, 'legal highs' and research chemicals were about to become illegal in the UK. The legislation had been rushed, just like people who were dependent on these drugs. The criminalisation hasn't happened yet, but it could still happen soon.


I actually have very patchy memories of the last 3 months, because I had unfortunately been consuming at least 255 strong Benzodiazepine type tablets. These would be commonly known as sleeping pills, or 'downers'. Amnesia is one of the known side effects.

If you're suffering from stress-related anxiety, insomnia or a comedown from stimulant drugs, Benzos are manna from heaven. However, after a few months of taking them, you are risking a withdrawal syndrome that could kill you, if you abruptly stop. It's important to taper off slowly if you have become physically dependent on these drugs.

I had no idea that I had taken so many pills: a common side effect being the fact you can't actually remember taking them, so you end up taking more. In fact, the last few months are scarily patchy. I read many emails that I don't even remember sending. I only have vague recollections of doing things that must, presumably, have required quite a bit of thought at the time, like publishing an eBook on Amazon Kindle.

Anybody who is familiar with junkie folklore will know about the speedball, which is a mixture of heroin and cocaine, injected, or basically the combination of an 'upper' with a 'downer'. Combining Supercrack with Benzos is kind of a Speedball, and inflicts the same kind of problem on your brain: it makes you kind of sleepwalk, until either the stimulant or the depressant wins the fight.

It was not my intention to ever mix uppers and downers, but the mean elimination half-life of Benzos tends to be a lot longer than that of stimulants. You can still have a load in your system when you wake up and start using stims again.

This is how most overdoses happen. It's not normally a single drug that's found in the bloodstream, but polydrug abuse is by far and away the most common reason why addicts die of overdoses. The interaction between drugs can cause dangerous respiratory depression: shallow breathing and even stopping breathing altogether.


The life of a successful 34 year old barrister was destroyed when his boyfriend died of asphyxiation in his sleep. They had been fans of chemsex, and had taken Meow Meow (an upper; Methcathinone) with GBL/GHB (a downer; sometimes called Liquid Ecstasy). The fatal combination was with alcohol, and it is likely that the 34 year old legal star's boyfriend choked on his own vomit, while he was unconscious.

BBC coverage of the news story is here:

Seeing as these drugs were already criminalised, I can't see that the new laws would have had any effect to save the lives that are already being blighted by addiction and drug abuse.

There are a large number of men, in their 30s and 40s, who've come to drugs late and are now doing it regularly

There are so many things that sound like familiar echoes of the chemsex world that my ex-wife and me entered. There was a fairly long period where we wouldn't have sex unless we were high on Ecstasy, amphetamines, cathinones or GBL/GHB. It became an accepted and normal practice to lose at least an entire day of the weekend to these kind of sexploits.

I say we were careful, because I have always educated and informed myself, and we used to use super accurate measuring pipettes and miligram scales, as well as following golden rules about not exceeding certain dosages, and definitely never mixing drugs.

When you enter the dark and deadly world of an all-consuming addiction though, you're in things on your own. You're fumbling around in your pit of despair and one packet of pills looks the same as any other bag of white powder, which you indiscriminately crush up and snort up your nose, rub on your gums or otherwise desperately try and shovel into your body somehow, chasing your lonely isolated high.

By making drugs illegal, we set up a division in society where the law-abiding middle class citizens go about their business in complete ignorance of the life experiences that are being racked up by those exposed to a degree of drug experimentation and use of 'soft' drugs.

If one of these ignorant, drug naïve people gets caught up in the world of chemicals of abuse, then they are ill-prepared for the hard lessons ahead. The first comedown from Crystal Meth without anything to cushion the landing is something that you're unlikely to forget.

In this dangerous new world that is being discovered by middle class professional thirtysomething gay men, and the occasional open minded hetro, we are likely to see many more tragedies like the one in the news story above, and many struggles and unexpected car wrecks like my own.

Who knows, maybe my own story ends with a fate that is unfortunately all too familiar to the coroner: drug overdose due to polydrug abuse.

All I've got in my favour is the fact that I remain well educated, well informed. I knew that this new legislation was coming, so I got myself off the little blue & pink pills that were threatening to become a physical dependency.

It's not like a change in the law is going to make any difference to the easy availability of drugs of abuse though.


These are the Central London meetings of Crystal Meth Anonymous. The one time I went to attend one I ended up relapsing onto legal highs instead. Was never a Meth addict though, but there's no Supercrack Anonymous, yet



Twelve Angry Steps

6 min read

This is a story about not being anonymous...

Owl Hangover

I'm not powerless over drugs and/or alcohol. My life has become pretty unmanageable, but I don't need a higher power to return me to sanity. I don't consider myself an alcoholic or an addict and I don't go to meetings.

I certainly have trouble turning down subsequent drinks, after I've had my first 2 pints of strong European lager and I'm enjoying the company of friends or work colleagues. It's probable that I will keep drinking until I've had 6 or 7 pints and I'm reaching an intoxication limit where I'm starting to slur my words and be unsteady on my feet. I won't keep drinking though... I'll normally bolt for home & bed when I've hit my limit.

I don't think I've had an alcoholic drink before midday on any day except Christmas Day, and even then, only a handful of times. I'm pretty sure I never went more than about 10 consecutive days where I got drunk. I know I did 115 days without a single drop of alcohol. I didn't cheat once, even though there were times that I was very tempted to bend the rules.

There have been times when my drinking was getting out of control, with beer every lunchtime, long Friday afternoons in the beer garden, drinking again when I got home, drinking all weekend. I'm not sure it ever qualified as 'problematic' though. Drinking was quite ingrained in the lifestyle of my friends and the work culture, to the point that despite many years of being half-cut in the office, nothing has ever been said, except for one day I was so hungover I didn't make it to my desk until 2pm.

But alcohol really isn't my problem. Supercrack is my poison of choice. Certainly if I have this drug in my possession, there is limited chance of me doing anything sane or rational. There's the added problem of unplanned binges as well. Once you pop, you can't stop.

When I am struggling with active addiction, I tell myself all sorts of lies. The main one is that I will act in some kind of reserved, controlled way. Once Supercrack is coursing its way through my drugstream, there is very little chance of me seeing onrushing death and health damage as any reason to curtail my foolish actions.

Do we think that the many relapses that I've had mean I'm an addict for life, and as such, should always attach that label to myself, even when I'm 'clean'? Well, it's certainly true that once experienced, things cannot be un-experienced, and there is disappointingly little dissipation in the desire to continue to use a drug that one has been addicted to, if there were no consequences.

Aversion therapy, is using negative reinforcement to break the addiction to something. If you link and associate enough unpleasant experiences with your addiction, the downsides start to outweigh the upsides, and it's not so difficult to stay 'clean'. Could you be said to no longer be 'addicted'?

Medoc Medoc Medoc

Human memory is a strange thing though. Negative memories seem to fade faster than positive ones. When you recall some event that was extremely harrowing at the time, each time you think about it, it loses some of its pain and regret. Humans are programmed to be optimistic and take risks. Otherwise, we would never have risked leaving our caves to hunt and domesticate sharp-toothed & clawed predators.

Another lie that I tend to tell myself when I'm slipping back into active addiction, is that there will be some way to satisfy my addictive demands with some harm-reduced and risk-managed 'lapse' that will stave off a full relapse. In actual fact, this then gives the excuse for the next addict lie, which is that the use of drugs can then no longer cease until I'm fully satisfied that I have extracted the maximum possible from the experience, even though the trend is clearly destructively spiralling downwards.

This drive to end a period of addiction on your own terms is kind of laughable, if I look at myself with a harshly critical eye. I can see that there is never any recapturing the initial high that you experience when your tolerance is low and your body in a healthy state. Your days are literally numbered while you're in the grip of a dangerous addiction, and refusing to acknowledge that continuing is futile and foolish.

Coke Cat

Most people run out of money or run out of luck before they have exhausted their demand for their drug of choice. The common street drugs have been on the market for long enough to find a price point that has been optimised to fit the addictiveness of the drug to an affordability that ensures steady demand.

I feel very grateful that I never became addicted to Cocaine, Crack Cocaine, Heroin, Crystal Meth or other street 'hard' drugs. They say a fool and his money are easily parted, and so, the street drug addict must be the biggest fool of them all.

Or is it so clear cut? With street drugs, at least you have some direct human contact with your dealer, who has a symbiotic relationship with you, and therefore a reason to not let you tip over the edge into total self annihilation. Often, social groups might form around drug use, and there's a kind of safety in numbers. Even an addict might heed the advice of another addict when somebody says "I think you've probably had enough".

Having essentially unlimited access to the drug you're addicted to, with virtually zero oversight or social ties, is like playing a game of chicken where you're invisible to an oncoming bus driver. Only you can jump out of the way of the bus. The drug will never blink, never back down.

And so it is, I find myself able to relate to most of the stories I hear addicts and alcoholics tell, but there is something terrifyingly unknown and isolating about being amongst the first addicts to have become ensnared by mass-produced Chinese legal research chemicals, and with unlimited access to the world's hardest drugs, with a few mouse clicks on the Dark Web.

Governments have no idea what the consequences of trying to head off the cat & mouse game of criminalising novel chemical compounds will be. The invention of the Dark Web and the synthesis of these new 'designer' drugs is surely a reaction to laws and prohibition. Who could have foreseen that this would create new drugs, new markets, trap unintended types of people into the horrors of addiction and criminal justice?

Crack Attack

That's a rock of Crack Cocaine that I was offered on the street soon after moving from North London to East London. Disruption in somebody's life can expose them to things that they've never experienced before.



Ding! Ding! Round Two!

5 min read

This is a story about comebacks...

New home of Fintech

I have very little memory of the last couple of weeks, or maybe even the last couple of months. I've basically been backed into a corner, shaking with the stress and feeling of being totally overwhelmed by the task of having to deal with all the things that couldn't be put off any longer.

The 'pinnacle' or culmination of this breakdown period, was when bailiffs entered my flat in order to cut off my gas & electricity, for non-payment of bills. The bills, naturally, had remained in a pile of unopened post, with me none the wiser as to the growing threat of this debt collection. Of course, I knew that the bills had to be dealt with sooner or later, but the crisis point happened to be reached just as I was sleeping off the 'hangover' of the last three months silliness.

I've basically been asleep for about 2 weeks, because I started taking Mirtazepine, which is an atypical antidepressant which was prescribed to me years ago, and I thought was OK at the time, but addiction issues kinda derailed me from taking it on a proper regular basis. This time around, I found that it helped me to get to sleep, and then carry on sleeping as a stress avoidance tactic, for much of the following day, until there were only a few hours of evening to fill before I could take my next dose.

Sleeping Pills

This medication was not prescribed to me for depression. It wasn't prescribed to me at all in fact. I prescribed it to myself to treat drug withdrawal symptoms, after a hefty period of abusing legal benzodiazepines and Supercrack. I'm not exactly sure when this crazy new UK law comes into place, pretty much banning anything that's psychoactive, but I don't want to be trapped into being dependent on something that's illegal.

As it stands at the moment, it has been over a year since I have accessed the Dark Web and I'd like it to stay that way. The Dark Web can end up being unhealthy window-shopping for a former junkie, and then eventually, in a moment of weakness, disguised envelopes containing all manner of disruptive troublemaking can be wending their merry way to you through the postal system. That's a situation I definitely want to avoid.

Withdrawing from Mirtazepine was extremely unpleasant. I was overwhelmed with anxiety and insomnia. I'm hoping tonight will be better, but today, at least I didn't have the daytime sleepiness and lethargy that allowed me to spend the best part of 2 weeks in bed. I even made the bailiffs come and collect a credit card from my grubby mitts, while I lay in my pit of despair.


You see that slight upswing at the end of March? Hopefully that delimits the end of months of depression and drug abuse, and the beginning of a period of productivity. I've tackled some of the most pressing stuff that had to be done today, and if I can steer clear of the medications/research-chemicals that seem to make all your troubles go away, then things can continue, provided I don't become totally overwhelmed by stress and anxiety.

It feels like the Government is testing us, risking our lives, to discover what happens when they pull the rug out from under our feet. The shoddy, hole-filled 'safety net' has finally been so undermined, that nobody could possibly consider it an option, no matter how dire their circumstances. Get better or die, is the Government's unspoken mantra.

Personally, it is long overdue, me pushing myself to find more contract work or even something permanent, provided it isn't going to grate and gnaw at my soul so intolerably, that there's little point as the outcome would be entirely predictable.

I say "long overdue" but that's a little unfair on myself. The winter, plus the timing of losing my contract were particularly hard on me, coupled with the fact I was completely exhausted from efforts expended on the doomed HSBC Customer Due Diligence project anyway. I did need some time to rest and recuperate. There were chances to get straight back on the horse, and I would have done if fortune had favoured those opportunities, but the optimism of November of last year quickly turned into resignation about the wasted 6 or so weeks of Xmas build up and early New Year 'dead spot' in the recruitment calendar.

I actually feel reasonably awake and alert, and not totally overwhelmed when my thoughts turn to my todo list. I know that my suit and shirts are dry cleaned and shoes are shone, ready for action, and even that doesn't worry me now that the clocks have sprung forward and the weather can surely only improve from this point (famous last words!).

I know that I'd dearly like to see my Sister & Mum, now that I'm a bit more well. Too many broken promises and wasted good intentions in the last few months, so I'm not going to rush at anything, especially as my sister was really cross at me recently, using my parents words. It's easy to discredit and undermine a person's character when they're keeping themselves a safe distance away from yourself.

I know my blog has been my refuge and something solid to grab onto during some pretty wild storms, and it upsets my sister that I have seemingly had so much time to blog, but I hope you'll be seeing a return to consistency and continuity that went awry during the turbulent first months of 2016. Let's see where it takes me next, and I hope it's informative and entertaining for those following at home.

Manic Doge

So deep think. Much complicated. Very story to tell. Wow!



Starting Recovery

5 min read

This is a story about the day when things start getting better, not worse...

Target Practice

I took a bath in Supercrack. It was very dilute, but I still took a bath in my 'drug of choice'. Countless nights of sleep had been lost and psychosis had me in its grip. I was convinced the police were about to break down the bathroom door, it was time to destroy evidence.

I had been hiding in the bathroom all night, freezing cold, believing that the police were going to enter my bedroom through my window. As hypothermia was setting in and I was shivering uncontrollably, I ran a warm bath to bring my core temperature back to a safer level.

I had tried to use various reflective objects to look under the crack at the bottom of the door,  and even shouted out "hello! do you speak English?" to the intruders I could hear. I saw various things: a pile of red boxes, a woman lying on her side, a man peeking around a corner. None of these things could be seen with much clarity, using a shiny chrome plug as a mirror.

I was kinda angry about my private room being invaded by people who didn't say who they were or why they were there. I decided I would warm up a bit before confronting them. I was also considering the possibility that they were just visual disturbances due to sleep deprivation.

As I lay in the warm bath, I heard burly men in boots enter the reception of my building, and I was 100% certain that this was the police, and I heard one of them say "so the guy we want's called Nick, right". I heard purposeful, authoritarian, footsteps in the stairwell.

I decided I couldn't risk my remaining Supercrack being found and lab tested. I washed the bag of it out in the bathwater, while I sat in the lukewarm water. Then I towelled myself off and came back into my bedroom. There was nobody there, and no evidence of any interference with the windows.

I was momentarily annoyed that I had destroyed my drugs unnecessarily, but it needed to be done as soon as possible anyway.

So, I woke up this evening after about 16 hours sleep, and I had something to eat rather than taking drugs. Almost like a normal person, sleeping, and then having breakfast. I spoke to a friend on the phone and we arranged to see each other. Normally I'm concerned whether the barricaded doors are strong enough to hold the World out.

I should have gone and seen my GP today, but I woke up at nearly 6pm, and I'm still freezing. Everything will happen sooner or later, provided I can resist the temptation to re-order any more Supercrack.

That was a full relapse, and I might possibly still be in its grip. I had ordered a 1 gram bag, used all of that (mostly doses that were so high that I spent 18 hours in complete psychosis) and this time I had ordered a 5 gram bag, and had been doing a lot better at remembering "less is more" when it comes to powerful psychoactive drugs.

Stimulant Psychosis is strange. You're hypervigilent, so there is always a real seed for every strange thought that you have. You get 'stuck' doing something repetitively, obsessively. Sometimes, you've succeeded at doing whatever it was that you were trying to do, but then you undo your own work, because you just can't leave it alone. The skin on my hands is tough and calloused from the amount of manual work I've been doing during these psychotic episodes. My body fat has dropped to a few percent, but my core muscles have become more defined, more toned, from the strange physical activities that I have performed for hours and hours.

Sure, I need to wear a belt again, and even do it up an extra notch, but the self-neglect, the damage, is probably limited to my brain. I've been drinking plenty of isotonic fluid, keeping glucose levels topped up.

I don't think you could ever combine Supercrack with a functional life. Taking an Ecstasy pill so you can dance all night at a rave on a Saturday night, and then going to work on a Monday morning can be done when you're young enough. Because of the urge to binge, the lack of sleep & food still leaves you in a pretty shitty state after 3, 4, 5 days locked away somewhere, shovelling powder up your nose.

Some PTSD damage might have been un-done. Nobody broke into my room. Nobody shouted at me. My legs are undamaged, and I didn't need to go to hospital. There was no police involvement. A couple of times, I even managed to say to myself "I bet I'm imagining that" and dare myself to come out of the bathroom.

I still have most of the things that I had on my todo list, plus a bunch more. I've also delayed being able to start interviewing and a full-time contract, until my weight and sleep are more compatible. I feel less overwhelmed than previously... a fatalistic philosophy has been forced onto me.

There's a chance that something good could come of all this. If I get to become a published author, it increases my chances of being able to publish again. Ending an addiction in this way is much better than how it ended before: being dragged out of a hostel by police and dumped at a hospital where I got a massive telling off from the consultant.

I hate winter in the UK.




Self Medication (Part Three)

5 min read

This is a story about being tired & depressed all the time...

Sleep Aids

As things start to get out of control with uppers and downers, you're going to come across legal highs and the black market sooner or later. Let me describe my life to you, after it was ravaged by depression: I never left my bed except to go to the toilet. I never answered my phone. I never answered the door. What does a depressed person want? They want a life.

For the summary of what I'd tried myself to date, you can read:


I was completely disillusioned with medications. The common antidepressants take 6 weeks before they kick in, and they're a nightmare to stop taking: the withdrawal effects are horrible.

I went on a legal highs website, and I systematically worked though every chemical they had on offer:

  • 5-IAI
  • 6-APB
  • MDAI
  • Benzylpiperzine
  • Ephenidine
  • Ethylphendiate
  • 3-Fluromethamphetamine
  • 3-Flurophenmetrazine
  • Methedrone
  • Methiopropamine
  • Methoxphenedine
  • Methylenedioxypyrovalerone
  • Mephedrone
  • Methylone
  • Pentedrone
  • 4-MePPP

Those are just the ones I can remember. I have a spreadsheet somewhere that documents everything I bought, and all the dosages I took. I used a high accuracy measuring scale (down to 0.001 of a gram) which I calibrated before every use, and I was careful to do an 'allergy test' before taking anything approaching a psychoactive dose.

The short version of the story is... all these designer drugs were a pile of pants. Complete rubbish. Waste of time & money.

With one exception: Methylone. The chemical name of Ecstasy (MDMA) is 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine. The chemical name of Methylone is 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylcathinone. Basically, the clever chemists swapped out the crystal meth and replaced it with Meow Meow. The novel compound is known as βk-MDMA, instead of just regular MDMA.

If you were to try and take Ecstasy every day, you probably wouldn't get much sleep, and people would think you were really weird. Your face would be gurning all over the place, and you'd keep telling strangers you loved them.

Methylone is not like that. It was as if I'd just gotten over a really bad sickness and I was back to my old self. I had energy and motivation. I could feel joy again. I was getting stuff done. I was functional.

I used to measure out my exact same dose every morning, and then I could feel the storm clouds part about 30 minutes later, and I could get on with a normal day, just like a normal person. I did my work. I did my chores. I socialised... I had re-entered the world.

This went on for the best part of 6 months, and then the government decided to make it illegal. I stockpiled as much as I could afford (about 2 months supply) but when that ran out I was screwed.

Prolintane and Pyrovalerone (sold as Jolly Green Granules) propped me up for a while, but I had pretty much lost my antidepressant. There was no more gas in the tank. The engine was spluttering to a stop. All the other stims I tried were just that: stimulants. They made me awake, alert and they stopped me sleeping. The best part of all about Methylone had been that I could sleep normally at the end of the day.

Out of a suicidal death-wish, I tried NRG-3, which sounded from anecdotal experience very much like MDPV (Supercrack). I was so terrified by this chemical that I diluted an entire gram in a litre of water so that I could measure a very precise 3ml (3mg) as a test dose, using an oral syringe. Turns out that water completely screws up the compound.

 Anyway, after the car-crash that was my ex's brother's wedding, I decided "fuck it" and measured out 15 milligrams of the powder on my scale.

"Binge" was not a term that I had first-hand experience with. Not until that point.

When 3 or 4 days go by, you haven't eaten, you haven't slept, you're just shovelling white powder up your nose... yeah I guess I had my baptism of fire.

When you wonder what day it is. When you wonder when the last time you checked the time or the date, or did any kind of reality check at all... you're pretty deep into a binge.

It's weird, how somebody who was always so self-disciplined, so self-controlled, even with coke and speed and pills... one day they find their drug of choice and they're like an instant junkie. I did kinda panic a bit when I'd had 800mg of a 1000mg bag, because I'd read about somebody who suffered heart damage after 800mg of this potent stimulant, but you find yourself saying "ok, well I'll make this the last one".... until it's all gone... and all you can think about is when can you get some more.

The reason it was so addictive, is because it broke my dependence on my girlfriend. We needed to break up, but I couldn't see an alternative. I couldn't imagine going backwards to go forwards. This stuff was powdered girlfriend. She no longer had any power over me anymore. I wasn't afraid of us breaking up.

She didn't like that very much.





8 min read

This is a story about dying while doing something you love...


Please forgive the gallows humour. I find death quite darkly comic, having lived in its shadow for far too long.

I found myself in possession of a year's supply of Supercrack once. It cost me less than $150 including shipping. A whole year of drug abuse, in one little baggie. Addiction never leaves your side. You can go anywhere you want, but you can't escape yourself.

Having a year's supply of your drug of choice should be an addict's wet dream, right? Well, it depends on the nature of your addiction. If you're still managing to eat and sleep, then perhaps you will make it to the end of the year. If you're not eating or sleeping, then you're simply committing suicide, slowly.

When I was trapped in an abusive relationship and kept away from London, I had given up on life. I was dying. I used to occasionally get scared of death, and clean up my act for a few weeks, but then I would always relapse, because of the same old abusive relationship and isolation from the city I call home.

I finally made it back to London, but there was pointless crap dragging me back into things that were far less important than saving my life.

Hassle Harassment Letter

That's a letter I received, in my mother's handwriting, hassling me about some divorce paperwork that could have waited until I had completed the treatment that I was undergoing to save my life. I had explicitly stated that I didn't want my wife or parents to be in any form of contact with me, while I was trying to get better. During this second attempt, I explicitly forbade my wife and parents from having any contact with me or the professionals who were paid to take care of me.

It was time to get better, get away from the s**ts who nearly hounded me to my grave. It was time to move on. It was time to recover.

Eventually, the vultures f**ked off and thankfully I had enough money left to pay the deposit on a flat and the first couple of months rent and bills, so I could get myself settled, get into a new job etc. etc.

I rented a room in a shared house near some friends in Kentish Town. My time up to this point had been wasted on pointless divorce crap that could have been deferred. I had been relentlessly harassed. Also, having my leg in plaster cast and being on crutches didn't help. My treatment was ruined by people not respecting my wishes. I was in a worse state than ever.

I hobbled into my new room and collapsed. I spent a week crying myself to sleep, I was so exhausted by the trauma of everything that had gone before. I had just about enough money left to make a go of things, but not quite. Everything had to go perfectly.

I had resolved not to commit suicide in my friends' house, where I was a guest, as it would have been a very unpleasant legacy to leave behind in somebody's home. They seemed committed to making that house their forever home, so there was no way I could do that to them.

After moving out and having a week where I felt that I didn't have the reserves of strength and money to continue, I decided to shut up shop. I decided to commit suicide.

The final straw was when my Dad tried to poison my friend's opinion of me, with his warped version of events. People were talking behind my back, and my confidentiality and consent to share information were completely breached. The place where I had spent the best part of £8k on treatment became some kind of counsellor and general centre for misinformation for my parents, despite explicit instructions that they weren't allowed contact.

I took a massive overdose and collapsed on the floor. The three metal prongs of a plug were sticking painfully into my thigh, but I couldn't move. The hot transformer for my laptop was burning my abdomen, scorching the skin, but I couldn't move. My arms were in the most uncomfortable position, but I couldn't move. The weight of my head rested uncomfortably on my chin, with my neck extended very awkwardly, but I couldn't move.

When you have taken an overdose, and you realise that it's overwhelming you, you start to panic. Can you make yourself throw up, if you've swallowed your poison? You know that it's too late... the chemicals are already entering your bloodstream and vomiting will make no difference. There was a moment's regret, and then resignation.

My body spasmed and twitched for quite a long time. There were a lot of auditory disturbances (I heard weird things). My mind kinda went blank for ages, or was caught up with weird confused thoughts. Then it dawned on me that I was alive but still on collision course with death. Day turned to night, and night turned to day, and so on. About 4 days went by with me paralysed like that... just breathing, and my body spasming.

I then started to think about death. I started to consider the possibility that I was going to discover if there was an afterlife or not. I started to think how embarrassed I would be to meet some deity who I never believed in. I didn't start believing in any god, but I considered how sheepish I would be if I met my maker.

Next, I started to think about the waste of it, the waste of life. Not that I was wasting my life, but that there was nothing positive that was going to come from my death. I started to consider how I could leave a message that would somehow prove useful to those who survived me. I started to consider how frustrating it would be to discover something in death, but have no way to pass on that discovery to the living world.

I started to imagine a weird experiment, where two suicidal people would risk their lives to discover if it's possible to communicate from beyond the grave. They would be in two isolated chambers, each with a keyboard. There would be a randomly timed event that would kill them, but they would get about a minute's warning before they were about to be killed. They would then type messages, and only in the event that the messages were co-incidentally the same, would the time be extended.

Eventually, one of the experimenters can type no more and rushes out of the experiment exit to safety. The other experimenter is killed. When the messages are later examined, we can see that the co-incidence of the messages being the same is immensely unlikely, but yet there were a sequence of messages that were identical, despite death being inevitable at that point.

Don't worry, I didn't decide to start a cult with a suicide pact. I did however decide that dying alone, leaving no note or anything was rather silly. I summoned the strength to claw myself off the floor and onto my bed, where I lay in agony for some time.

I urinated into a pint glass - I was virtually immobile - and saw that my urine was cloudy and the colour of orange juice with a lot of blood in it. My organs had started to shut down. My thigh was a painful mess from the plug that had dug into it, and my abdomen was burnt from the laptop transformer. My kidneys hurt and my tummy was tender and painful. My muscles were weak as hell. I had a lot of fluid on my lungs and my chest was tight. Breathing was difficult.

I decided to try and make death a bit quicker by severing my jugular vein, but my blood pressure was so low and it was actually really hard for me to even find a pulse. I kept blacking out with orthostatic hypotension.

Later, my ex-girlfriend discovered me in this dreadful state, and got me to the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead, where the hard-working lovely people of the NHS saved my life.

View from the Royal Free Hospital

Here's the view I woke up to, from my hospital bed. I was quite surprised to wake up (May 2014)





Mail Order Disaster

4 min read

This is a story about patience not being a virtue...

E.T. Phone Home

There used to be 3 bathrooms in my old house in Oxford. I once hid in the shower for over 3 hours, waiting to step out and give some guests a tour of the facilities. That's strange behaviour for a 9 year old boy.

I'm still teetotal, and it's been 107 days since I last had an alcoholic drink. That doesn't mean that I'm not still patiently waiting though, for something. Some imaginary finishing line, some trigger, some excuse.

I kinda screwed everything up around day 90 anyway. I took 3-FPM, Mexedrone, βk-2C-B and Flubromazolam in a massive crazy binge, trying to stave off a relapse onto MDPV (Supercrack). You can't fight fire with fire, and if you're testing your patience, your patience will eventually fail.

The problem with being very patient is that people can mistake it for self control, good behaviour. People start to think you're OK. People start to think you don't need their help, their support.

Since the advent of the Dark Web, it has been possible for a respectable middle class person who doesn't know any drug dealers to obtain absolutely anything they want, through the mail. You just have to pay your money and wait for the postman.

Waiting for the man is something that you will find lots of popular cultural references to. I once waited 3 weeks for a Quaalude (or 'lude' in common vernacular) to be delivered to me from some far-flung corner of the globe. Yes, I watched the film Wolf of Wall Street and decided that I needed to add Methaqualone to my list of drugs that I had experienced. I very patiently waited for my delivery. I waited a long time for the man. The mailman.

Given enough spare time with no mission, no project, no goal, I will eventually relapse. A relapse onto a ridiculously powerful stimulant drug will not be pretty. It will be quick and destructive. There's a good chance that it will result in death or hospitalisation.

Benzo Steps

This is how you get temporarily free. You hit it with 4 powerful benzos, to kill the psychosis and get to sleep. Then the next day you hit it with 3 powerful benzos, to slay the anxiety and restlessness. Then the next day you hit it with 2 powerful benzos, to taper off the 'downers' without having rebound insomnia and unmanageable panic attacks. Then, the next day, you take your 1 remaining benzo. You have an awful night of sleep. You have rising panic and butterflies in your tummy, but you're almost free. Then the final day you're drug free again, but you're all alone and you feel like you want to die.

Monday is the first time that I would be able to re-order something to restart the whole horrid cycle of self-destruction. Tuesday is the earliest that something could be in my nasty sweaty little palms, with me eagerly tearing the packaging apart.

It might not sound like it, but to a 'conventional' drug addict, that's an unthinkable amount of time. They're used to picking up the phone to a dealer and meeting them within hours. In fact, many addicts' lives are structured around such immediacy that they know their dealers' movements intimately, and can know within a window of 15-30 minutes when they are going to get their fix.

You might think that drug addiction is about willpower. What did I demonstrate, minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day, week after week, month after month, if it was not this magical 'willpower' stuff? It's not the solution to anything. I just put myself into standby mode. I just put myself into hibernation. I was just waiting.

Drug addiction is about having a life that's not worth living. "The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it is human connection".

Human connection is important.

