This is a story about the choice you didn't make...
There is an arrogance amongst ageing Westerners that I detest. There is a sense that these people somehow earned their wealth, that they worked for their place in the world, that they made smarter choices, that they avoided bad choices, that they made their own destiny. This delusional belief makes me spit with fury, rage.
I wrote a Facebook post entitled "Dear Baby Boomers" some time ago, and it really raised some heckles, but let's re-examine the whole thing, because it appears that the message really is not penetrating some very thick skulls.
The single most important deciding factor in your entire life happened before you were even born. If you were conceived in the Baby Boom generation, in the UK or USA or some other wealthy western nation, to a reasonably wealthy family (i.e. one of your parents was working, and maybe you even had a mortgage on your house) then you were quite literally born with a silver spoon in your mouth.
Let's put this in context. If you were born a hundred years earlier, if infant mortality didn't kill you, then preventable disease probably would have taken you to an early grave. Did you choose to be born after the discovery of Penicillin and the eradication of Smallpox and Polio? Did you choose to be born after the mass production of fertiliser and pesticides meant that farming yields give the West huge grain surpluses? Did you choose to be born after modern surgical techniques, such as the ligature of blood vessels and blood transfusions with the correct blood type had been developed? Did you choose where in the world you were born? Good job you didn't choose to be born in sub-saharan Africa, right?. Being born in Ethiopia would have been a pretty dumb choice wouldn't it? Good job.
Let's put things further into context for you. As part of the post-war Baby Boom generation, meant that you could expect to have a job, buy a house, get married and start having children, all with a single salary. And there would still be money left over for the flourishing practice of tourism. Yes, with each passing year, airfares as a proportion of your disposable income got less and less expensive, and the destinations got more and more exotic. Your disposable income meant you could save up money and buy a car, outright. You could own your car, and after 25 years, you could own your house. And you probably wouldn't need to be on any kind of property ladder... most Baby Boomers were able to buy family houses as their first home.
But you're grasping, and greedy and arrogant. You wanted more. You wanted an extension. You wanted two cars. You wanted three foreign holidays a year. You wanted premium bonds and high-interest savings accounts and a stock portfolio. You wanted world-class healthcare and education, provided by the state. You wanted the best of everything, and - being frankly honest - you didn't really work for it at all.
I find a 35 hour working week just a laughable concept. The fact that a whole generation were able to commute either by car or aboard uncramped public transport where they would get a seat in order to read their newspaper. A whole generation would work their 7 hours a day, with a whole hour for lunch. They would actually eat lunch and not just stuff a sandwich in their mouth while continuing to hunch over their keyboard. Then everybody would leave, en-masse at 5pm, and return home in the comfort of their car or their usual train carriage, thinking about the meal that their housewife would have prepared for them on their return. What a joke.
The Baby Boom generation is responsible for nuclear arms proliferation, an unmitigated climate catastrophe of global proportions which may condemn billions to their death, and financial profligacy of such wanton excess that the entire capitalist system, if not indeed the entire western civilisation, is teetering on the brink of collapse.
And these are supposed to be be fine minds, are they not, these arrogant fuckers? They got to go to University with full grants and no tuition fees. They got to fuck about studying to their heart's content, with somebody else picking up the bills. Yes, didn't the Baby Boomers choose to have a free University education, at the expense of future generations?
Didn't the Baby Boomers choose to drive around in those big engined cars and take all those foreign holidays, and have lovely warm centrally heated houses with crappy insulation, at the expense of future generations?
Didn't the Baby Boomers choose to grasp and grab the maximum that their greedy little mitts could get their hands on, leaving little in the pension funds for any future generations?
Didn't the Baby Boomers choose to elect politicians, and buy products from companies, that put profits and short term comfort and luxury ahead of any kind of long-term planning? Didn't the Baby Boomers choose to cover themselves in glory and pat themselves on the back, and make premature proclamations about having improved the standard of living? In fact, didn't the Baby Boomers choose to inflate their own standard of living at the expense of future generations? Yes. Yes they did.
Living standards are in decline, and it's not because young people make bad choices. It's not because young people are not smart. It's not because young people don't work hard. It's not because young people are not resourceful. It's not because young people have unreasonable expectations or they're spoilt. There is simply less opportunity, less on offer, more stress, more obstacles, more competition, fewer resources, higher costs, slimmer chances and young people have to work much much much harder than you can even imagine.
When I talk to people about how far they have to travel to get to their jobs, the conditions of public transport... it's atrocious. When a nurse has to get up at 5am, take 3 busses travelling for nearly 2 hours, to then work a 12 hour shift, and then has a journey home that's just as hard as the one they took in the morning, that's an unacceptable drop in the standard of living. When over 50% of their wage goes on rent alone. When they just quite simply don't have any disposable income because all their income goes on rent, council tax, electricity, gas and travel... how THE FLYING FUCK can you criticise them for choosing not to save money for a 'rainy day'.
Yes, you got to put money aside, because you were part of the arrogant smug generation of cunts who had your hand in the till stealing all the money. Because you didn't pay for your University eduction. Because you will be taking far more money out for your pension than you paid in. Because you didn't work very hard, and when you did work, the working conditions were slack as fuck. Yes, I'm angry about this. I'm angry that there are a whole load of sneering ignorant arrogant smug awful awful people who think that the reason why they mostly paid off their mortgage, maybe have some savings, maybe own their car, maybe have some disposable income each month... they think they fucking earned that, through smart choices and hard work, and they didn't.
Here's a smart choice for you: give away your wealth. Give it away as fast as you can. I doubt you'll even be able to give it away fast enough, because you've pissed off every subsequent generation that you stole from. You might sit in your armchair with your crappy rag of a newspaper, watching shitty TV, wallowing in your ignorance, luxuriating on your bed of lies, but there's an entire subcontinent who were economically enslaved to give you your ill-gotten lifestyle, and that wasn't enough for you... you even mortgaged the kids and the grandkids.
So, when you come to try and retire. When you come to try and cash in some of those casino chips you've been hoarding. When you ask the kids and the grandkids to carry you on their back, despite the fact that their life is shit when yours was lovely, do you think they're going to do it?
Given that we're talking about choices being the things that we're responsible for, do you think the millennials are going to choose to be responsible for your profligacy, your arrogance, your ignorance, your myopia? Are they going to pick up your trash and wipe your arse, when you kicked them and beat them up as scapegoats for your own shitty short-term gains and comfort?
Young people are being driven to emigrate, in search of a better standard of living, while at the same time, vast numbers of refugees and migrants are trying to get into the West for a better life. Meanwhile, you still expect to retire on your full pension having barely broken a sweat your whole working life? In your massive house that is far bigger than you could possibly need? Reading books, with your superior intellect from that University education that you never paid for? Overweight and full of obesity-related diseases from all the luxury food that you relentlessly push into that greedy hole in your face, but you just want more savings, more investments, more 000's on the end of your bank balance.
It's you who chooses more. More more more. More for you, less for everybody else. You're part of it. Collective responsibility.
Spend a bit less time talking about people's bad choices and a bit more time thinking about somebody who doesn't even have a choice, because of when and where they were born... which last time I checked, wasn't something you could choose at all.
Tags: #parents #politics #childhood