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Childish & Immature

6 min read

This is a story about arrested development...

Whacky Fella

It's fairly clear that I have too much time on my hands to think about stuff. Too much time alone thinking about stuff leads to dredging up old memories, getting worked up about stuff in the past, and strange thoughts and ideas, without any checks & balances.

However, I'm reasonably self-aware, so I thought I'd share my own impressions of myself. In particular, my attempts to be rational and objective about everything that grinds my gears.

I'm aware that the more and more I wail in distress, bitch and whine, the more I seem like a spoiled teenager, full of angst and feelings of being 'hard done by'. Perhaps there's the impression that I'm owed something. Perhaps a sense of entitlement is coming across.

Actually, there's no entitlement... driving all of these feelings are suicidal thoughts, which mean that if life is too awful, too unbearable, I'll just remove myself from the game altogether.

It's easy to dismiss a suicidal or depressed person, saying "other people have it so much harder than you" but it's that attitude that is the truly immature one. With maturity, you'll realise that life doesn't work like that. As a friend once said, there isn't one single person on the planet who's entitled to feel depressed and suicidal because they have it worst of all, and everybody else shouldn't feel depressed because they have it better than this one individual.

We judge things relatively, this is natural, it's permitted and it's an acceptable fact of life. Why shouldn't I judge my lot relative to my peers, relative to the opportunities and luck that we've all enjoyed in life, as well as the unlucky things that have happened?

Luck? Luck? What the hell am I talking about luck for? Isn't destiny decided by choices? Well, no, not really.

I didn't decide to get born to a couple of drug addict dropout losers, who were too intoxicated on drugs and alcohol to adjust their lifestyle and grow the fuck up when kids started to arrive. Did I decide that these losers would be such a waste of space that they'd need bailouts from the bank of Mum & Dad just to put a roof over the family's head? Did I decide that these losers would spend my entire upbringing teaching me not to be entitled, and to expect a lower standard of living than they enjoyed? Did I decide to pick parents who both enjoyed University educations, but dropped out, and decided not to afford me and my sister the same privilege? I think, if you're looking for the entitled people who believed that the world owes them a living, you'll find them in my parents.

I've always looked to the future, and tried to act in a positive way. I forged my own path, and decided to have a career and follow the path of responsibility, hard work and reject the lifestyle of my parents: being lazy drug addicts as they were.

However, when I found myself back in the situation of my teens - no money and control taken out of my hands - naturally, I feel pretty bitter about everything, pretty resentful to have nothing to show for years of hard graft. Yes it's immature, to bitch and whine about it. Yes it seems like I'm not taking responsibility for the shit that went wrong, undoing all that hard work. Do you want to know why I watched everything burn down, and why I don't feel that responsible?

Happy Moi

Does that look like a happy child to you, or a clotheshorse? Does it even look like a child, or perhaps a status symbol? Perhaps it's an object, to be wheeled around, a badge, a token?

The bulk of my upbringing was spent receiving abuse for not having been born with perfect maturity, naturally instilled Victorian values. I never had a childhood.

This is what makes me tick: I feel like I'm entitled to a childhood, now, today, as payback for a horrible upbringing.

I feel like I can act the fool, the jester, the clown. I feel like I can have a massive tantrum, call everyone names, throw a hissy fit. I feel I can have chocolate and jelly for dinner. I feel like I can play with toys. I feel like I can neglect my responsibilities and not do my homework.

This is payback time. I'm taking the time that I didn't have as a kid to make people laugh, or cringe. I actually don't care that I look childish and immature, it's too much fun and I don't give a fuck what people think.

Is it spoiled, and is it bratty? Well, that depends... who spoiled me? I paid for this. I paid for me to have a massive meltdown, a massive tantrum. It's all my wages, my life savings, that has funded what had become a long-overdue childhood.

What did you think it was all about? Riding my bike recklessly around London, getting mixed up with the "wrong" crowd and being the popular kid who doesn't play by the rules, doesn't respect authority and their elders, doesn't say and do the "right" things.

Oh boy, let me tell you that it feels good. It's such a relief to throw off the shackles of savings accounts, mortgages and pension funds. It's such a relief to be free from the oppression of a work schedule, allotted holiday allowances and kissing arses. It's such a relief to speak my mind, rather than falling in line with the rabble.

What's the lesson we learn from all this? Well, if you're overly disciplinary with your kids, and take them away from all their friends and give them a sparse, boring, shit little life, filled with angry abuse for them being nothing more than a fucking child... expect them to grow up feeling like they missed out, like they never really knew childhood innocence, the joy of just laughing and giggling.

Now, when I start to go a bit hypomanic, I chuckle to myself, I grin manically. There is a lightness in my chest, pure glee. People see it, and it's infectious. They can't believe an adult would have such childlike qualities.

When will this end, this somewhat embarrassing and disgraceful immaturity? When will I stop being bitter and resentful about a horrible childhood? When will I move on, and stop verbally attacking my lazy drug addict dropout loser parents?

The answer: when I feel like I've had enough.

Bus Stop Club

I look pretty happy on top of this bus stop, don't I. I'm 'owed' 18 years of childhood innocence, aren't I?
