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98% of My Bucket List

6 min read

This is a story about reasons for living...

Sailor Boy

When you find yourself checking your life insurance, to make sure that it's adequate to cover your debts and leave a small legacy for your only sibling, and you bought the policy specifically because it covers suicide, that's a whole new dimension on 'financial planning'.

I've led a charmed existence. The only things left that I want to do are to visit Tokyo and New York. Everything else I ever wanted to do, I've done. Some of those things, I just did on a crazy spur-of-the-moment whim, like going to San Francisco - booking a flight so soon there was barely enough time to get to the airport, let alone pack a bag.

I could use my remaining creditworthiness to tick those last two boxes, or try to die of a heart attack from a final, unrestrained, orgy of hedonism. The latter probably not exactly being that great for whoever's joining in the drug-fuelled sex, suddenly having to deal with ambulances, police and whatnot.

I've written about it at length, but I'm going to quite considerable effort to rectify a situation that has been steadily deteriorating for 6 months... and it started pretty bad. Acute kidney failure and a hospital's high-dependency renal unit. Dialysis and a 25cm tube in my groin. A foot and ankle, numb and immobile. That's how it started. Followed by losing my employment and then just a financial tailspin; a nosedive. Somewhere in the mess, there was a breakup and in what felt like the blink of an eye, it didn't even seem worth bothering to try and rescue things anymore... they were too fucked up.

That's pretty much where my thoughts keep ending up. I think about all the effort involved, and the stress, of repairing what's broken and starting afresh where necessary... there will be doors open to me, if only I can find the energy and the will to go through the necessary suffering to get... to get... to get... where exactly? I'm only getting older and my health can only get worse. I have friends in their sixties who are still very fit & active - doing extreme sports - but they also have kids, which seems to be one of the main reasons for living.

I've been a rich bachelor. Why would I work my little socks off just to get back to being that person? Depression has struck even at times when I've seemingly had it all - the girl, the house, the cars, the boats, the bling, the stack of cash in the bank, the great job... whatever. The main things I miss in the world are my sister (who I hardly ever see), my niece (who I hardly know and wouldn't even recognise me) and my cat (who, sadly, can't be expected to live for many more years). Of course, I miss my friends, but most have left london and started families; they're busy people with busy lives.

I know people would like to have me around, so they've got the option to see me... not that many do see me, as they're raising children and working all hours. It was very touching to have a bunch of visitors when I was in hospital. I'm pretty sure I could count the number of people who made that trip on one hand though. Not a criticism of my friends: hospitals are not happy places, and living in central London makes me pretty inaccessible unless you happen to be in the capital anyway. However, staying alive, just so that people have the option is not really enough of a reason to live.

My increasingly scarred left arm is more indicative of the emotional pain I'm in, rather than serious suicidal intent. It's not a cry for help. It's not attention seeking. It's a physical manifestation of the severity of the depression, stress and desperation I've been dealing with.

I've still got at least 5.6 grams of tramadol. 8 grams would virtually guarantee my death. I can't really see me surviving with 5.6 grams, especially if I augmented it with codeine, dihydrocodeine and half a bottle of vodka. A gutful of benzos and sleeping pills, and death would be painless. The expression on my dead face would probably be one of peaceful tranqulity, not that I would want friends or family to have to see it. Remember me like I am in the image above, on my birthday some years ago. I seem to look fairly happy with life then.

I'm crying now, and I don't know why. I don't feel like I want to live. I'm not afraid to die. There's no realistic future that I can imagine, where things are not just getting worse and worse and worse. I've gathered enough data - the trend is obvious.

"Don't do it" they say. "You'd be missed" they say. Well, I'm alive, in these 750,000+ words and in hundreds of photos and videos. There's enough of a digital version of me to satisfy anybody's desire to know me. All we ever want to do is hear a little of what's going on in other people's lives, and then talk about our own life anyway.

I think I'm crying because I know I'm at the end of the road. I'm crying for myself, like the conceited twat that I am. I'm crying at my own funeral, because I feel so certain that death is the only option now: I don't have the strength, the energy or the reason to go on living, under this dark storm-cloud.

There's obviously some planning and preparation necessary, so don't dial 999 just yet, but it's remarkable how you can reach a point where you know all the reasons why suicide is a final solution for a non-final problem, but yet you want the peace, the tranquility, the escape, the end... you want it anyway, even if people are going to call you selfish; even if there's some trauma involved for people you care about.

Call it dying with dignity, if you want an analogy.

