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Why I Will Never Take Antidepressants

6 min read

This is a story about homeostasis...

Handful of pills

Do I think I'm smarter than a doctor? Well, consider how much training in psychiatry a generalist has had. A general physician must be knowledgeable of heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach, gall bladder, large intestine, small intestine, ears, nose, throat, eyes, bones, veins, arteries, muscles, tendons. A general physician must be familiar with viruses, bacterial infections and parasites. A general physician must be familiar with eczema, psoriasis, warts, bunions, corns, fungal infections and allergies. On top of all that, a general physician has a basic grounding in the most complex organ of all: the brain.

"Would you take antibiotics if you got an infection?"

This is good question. Antibiotics are a pretty blunt instrument. Antibiotics are very damaging to the health of the gut microbiome. There are "good" bacteria and there are "bad" bacteria, and killing both can be very bad for you. Widespread antibiotic use is also the reason why we have super resistant bacteria like MRSA. It's quite possible that our heavy usage of antibiotics might be something that ends up causing huge numbers of people to die in a microbial infection epidemic.

"Would you get your leg set in plaster cast if it was broken?"

Yes, of course I would. Don't be so stupid.

"Would you take insulin if you were diabetic?"

Yes, but I wouldn't increase my risk of diabetes through bad diet.

"So why don't you take antidepressants to fix your broken brain chemistry?"

Well, my brain chemistry isn't broken. It's not like there's a broken bone. It's not like I've got a malfunctioning pancreas. It's not like I have an infection. My brain is doing what it's supposed to do: it's responding to environmental stimuli and telling me "WARNING: something is wrong!".

If you were feeling a sharp pain in your hand, you could take painkillers, or you could remove the sharp object that was hurting your hand. Pain is a feedback mechanism, telling your brain that something is damaging your body.

My body is getting very damaged. I sit on my arse, bored out of my mind, getting fat and unfit. The environment I work in is completely unstimulating. The environment that I work in could not be more unnatural.

Humans need natural light, exercise, social contact, stimulation, challenges, variation, goals. I have none of these things. I'm trapped inside a shitty office, mainly dealing with a computer. I don't even need to get out of my chair all day long. The work that I do is mind-numbingly boring and easy. The only goal is to get old and die so I don't have to go to work anymore.

Obviously, my brain - as an organ - is a lot smarter than any amount of doctors and psychoanalysts. My brain is virtually unchanged from the one that evolved 2.5 million years ago. My brain kept me safe from sabre-tooth tigers and allowed me to kill wooly mammoths to have enough to eat. My brain told me to move when things got too hot, too cold, or when I was hungry, thirsty... whatever. My brain helped me survive. My brain knows when something is wrong.

London's daytime population is circa 11 million people, with millions of people travelling in from the surrounding areas to take part in the rat race. The rush hour tube is awful. There is no personal space. People are crammed together like sardines in a tin. You think that's natural? You think that's healthy?

London's roads are crammed with cyclists, mopeds, motorcycles, cars, vans, lorries, busses and trucks. Every road junction has traffic coming at you from all directions, and scurrying commuters trying to get across the road without being squashed.

London's buildings are packed to capacity. Any spare land is built upon, as high as the planning officers will allow. Every apartment is sublet and sublet, until many cheaper places have 5 people living in one room. Every office uses hotdesking to increase the capacity. Nobody has their own desk anymore.

My brain screams out in agony at this assault on my senses. I have no car at the moment, so I can't escape when it all gets too much. To escape would mean dragging my luggage on tubes and trains, along with the rest of the heaving masses of people.

I have a little oasis of calm at home, where my apartment block is set back from the road in a gated community, and it overlooks the River Thames. At the back of the building, the sound of thousands of people, all shouting at one another, echoes around the courtyard off the hard surfaces of the buildings. Drunk people argue outside the pub. Road rage incidents occur between drivers. Teenagers squabble. Fraught mothers yell at their kids. Meathead fucknuggets yell at the top of their lungs to show off. At the front of the building, on the balcony, things are mostly calm, except for the riverboat cruises blaring out disco music at high volume, and the Thames speedboat thrill rides, zooming along at top speed.

London is pure theatre, and I fear I might crumble to nothing without its stimulation, but the entertainment is purely monkeys at the zoo, squabbling, masturbating, copulating and screeching as loud as they can.

It's clear that I need to make environmental, lifestyle changes. The problem is not my brain chemistry. The problem is the shit that I'm forced to do. I need to be in London, because London's where the jobs are. I need to work, because how else am I going to have a roof over my head and food on the table?

An obvious quick fix for my mental health would be to escape to some more unspoiled wilderness, which isn't so desperately overpopulated. I need to escape from dead-end boring jobs that I can do with my eyes closed, in shitty offices with artificial lighting, full of boring drones who I have no need or interest in talking to.

It's a shitty compromised situation, where I'm forced into yet more wage slavery until I reach a level of financial comfort where I can truly consider my health needs. It makes sense to earn a lot of money very quickly, so I can escape the rat race sooner. I need a financial safety net which I can use to find a job that doesn't desperately depress me and stress me out.

Life is fucking agony at the moment, but what choice do I have? Short term pain for long term gain, in theory.

Work hard. Complain harder.

