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Alter Ego

4 min read

This is a story about insecurity...

Self portrait

Where does your sense of self worth come from? Are you good at your job? Are you a good parent? Do you do good deeds? Do you consider yourself virtuous, or at least not a bad person? Does the fact that you're loved by friends and family somehow make you see yourself as valuable?

What happens when you lose faith in yourself?

I lied as a kid. I lied about having a Game Boy. It was a strange thing to lie about, but I lied. I lied about having Sky TV and having videotaped a music video off MTV. How curious.

I didn't lie about being a doctor, causing deaths as I bungled patients' healthcare. I didn't lie about being a pilot, killing every passenger and crew member on board my plane. I didn't lie about being a financial whizz, building an elaborate ponzi scheme and lining my own pockets.

Why would I lie about such mundane stuff?

I stopped lying. I was happy with who I was. I was good at my job. I was good at some sports. I had girlfriends. I was getting paid what I was 'worth' and people valued my opinion... they sought it out. I was just me.

Then, shit happened.

Bizarrely - to me at least - I managed to pick up where I left off. It shouldn't have come as such a surprise, but the things that I was good at - before shit happened - I was still good at. The job that I'd been doing capably before shit happened... it turned out I could still do it.

Then, even more shit happened.

Digging myself out of that hole looked like such a long shot that I didn't even think it was possible to stay alive, to preserve hope, to go on. I didn't lie to dodge another bullet. I was a little economical with the truth, but I didn't lie. When my situation started improving, it was impossible to reconcile with where I'd come from. I went insane with the ridiculousness of the situation.

Then, yet more absolutely terrible shit happened.

This was starting to become routine. There was a magic formula that seemed to work time and again. This time I played to my strengths, kept my mouth shut when needed, kissed the right asses. Depressingly, it worked. Is that who I am now? The guy who's just stuck in a never-ending cycle of near-disaster and recovery? Bust and boom. Over and over and over again, ad nauseam.

Stop the world. I want to get off.

Who am I? I had a plan, coming back to London, and it's worked... in a way. As a friend said though, I can never quite get my head above water. I can get my nose just high enough to inhale enough oxygen to stay alive, but I'll never get my chin out of the depths beneath, let alone start to rise even higher.

I know who I was at times. There are identities that I can successfully emulate from the past. There are identities that don't seem to be me anymore. Perhaps I was never the person I thought I was at times. Perhaps I believed my own bullshit at certain times.

I know I should just let go of the past, forget about former achievements, status, comforts. Does it seem easy to just let your entire identity go and re-invent yourself... from nothing? Worse than nothing, in fact. If you let go of your advantages, nobody's going to let you off your disadvantages. My advantages are only just cancelling out my disadvantages, so I'd be screwed if I had to start over from 'nothing'. There's no such thing as nothing. Everybody wants a piece of me. So long as I have an address, somebody will be trying to track me down and suck the life right out of me.

Run to stand still.

It's amazing how hard you gotta work just to break even. Just to go nowhere. Fuck it's exhausting because it's not going anywhere. Hard work doesn't pay. Period.

Yes, I can look back on this or that achievement in the past. Yes, I can extrapolate from my potential. But neither thing is meaningful. Look around. Do you see anyone getting ahead?

I wrote a book. A whole novel. I don't even think it's terrible. Does that make me a writer, a novelist? In theory, yes, but if I was to commit to it, it would also make me a tramp, a vagrant, a bum, a loser. Is that what I am anyway? Is my true destiny catching me up?

No. Art is for the rich and spoiled.

