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Getting What you Want from Your GP

7 min read

This is a story about being on the sick...

Sick note

I'm regularly asked how to obtain a sick note and/or prescription for high-strength addictive medications from a GP, so I thought I'd prepare a handy guide to answer these frequently asked questions. Above you'll find a copy of a sick note that you can print out and fill in with your own details, so that you can bunk off work because you're lazy and entitled.

Of course, your doctor wants to cure you, which would be a dreadful outcome. It takes a lot of time and effort to ensure that your doctor doesn't actually give you what you need. Your GP can instantly relieve your ailments any time they want so it's important to remember what YOU want: ineffective treatment. You must always remember that you want the wrong treatment and resist any and all attempts to be persuaded to receive the correct treatment. If you do that then you should be fine. I mean, not actually fine... I mean sick, which is obviously what you want.

Proper preparation is essential. Make sure you have extensively researched your chosen ailment and know what all the likely treatments are so that you can refuse or say that you've already tried the ones that work. This is important. Your doctor will try to fob you off with something which has an overwhelming body of evidence that conclusively proves that it will cure you instantly, so you should be fully prepared to absolutely flatly refuse any of those treatments. Be careful, because your doctor will obviously try to trick you into becoming well again, which isn't what you want at all.

When demanding dangerous addictive medications, it's a good idea to scream, yell and aggressively and insistently dictate that you must be given what you want immediately. Obviously your GP may be alerted to your blatant intention of doing yourself harm with the "fun stuff" and your desire to remain sick and incapacitated, so it's important that you get irate and use ill manners in order to better communicate your want for large quantities of deadly pills.

While you're spending time with your GP, it might be a good idea to ask if the pills you're getting are the kind that are easily crushed and snorted. Ask if the pills contain an excipient or other additive which would make intravenous injection less pleasurable, and demand brands which have no such so-called 'safety' formulations. Find out if you'll get a bigger rush by combining medications and make sure your GP knows you don't care about any so-called contraindications. Your GP is an expert in the most fun ways to abuse prescription drugs. Generally, the less willing your GP is to give you a particular medication, the more desirable it is.

GPs often talk about the "analgesic ladder". Say for example you are hoping to obtain a prescription for codeine, which you can extract from co-codamol tablets using water that has been cooled to 5 degrees celcius or lower - filter the chilled liquid to get rid of all that pesky paracetamol. If your GP refuses to give you co-codamol, then you should climb the analgesic ladder and demand tramadol. If your GP refuses to give you tramadol, then you should continue up the rungs of the ladder, demanding buprenorphine, then morphine, then diacetylmorphine. Do not leave the GP's consultation room until you have obtained your prescription for pure diacetylmorphine. It's your right to have pure heroin dispensed to you via the NHS, because you want it and it's nice.

When demanding your sick note, make sure your GP knows it's yours and they should return it to you immediately. Make your displeasure loudly known that you were inconvenienced by having to visit your GP to get it back.

It's a commonly held misconception that you would have to feign illness in order to get a sick note, but it's a well-known fact that sick notes are in fact a certificate of bone idleness and it would look very odd if a sick person were to ask to be signed off work. It's imperative that you demonstrate that you're quite capable of performing a range of work-related activities and you have absolutely no reason at all to not be hard at work down a f**king coal mine or something. Take some heavy weights and a computer keyboard with you and repeatedly lift the weight up and down while doing star jumps and typing at 100 words per minute, to absolutely convince your GP that you're capable of doing any physical or mental task that would take place in the workplace, such that you're obviously urgently in need of YOUR sick note.

Did I mention eating deep fried battered lard cakes, smoking a thousand fags and drinking flagons of mead? It's important to demonstrate all the unhealthiest lifestyle choices that you can, in order to show your commitment to being unwell, otherwise your GP might mistakenly believe that you want to be cured or helped in some way. Leave your GP under no illusion that you have not even the slightest glimmer of desire to in any way help yourself.

Remember, it's you versus them. Seeing your GP is an adversarial conflict, where you want completely opposing things and you absolutely should not never under any circumstances not never no way agree or co-operate in any way whatsoever, or listen, or heed any advice or in any way allow yourself to be corrupted by your GP's intentions, which are completely out of alignment with your own firm decision to be sick and die. If you even listen to your GP a teeny tiny bit, you could be accidentally cured beyond your worst possible nightmares, to the point of being healthy and happy - disaster!

It's important to remember at all times just how much you love being miserable, sick, anxious, depressed, overweight, unfit, in pain and on your way to a premature and painful death. It's important to hang on to your main objective - remaining unwell at all costs - if you want to avoid your GP's devious attempts to cure you of all your ills and send you on your merry way as a productive, healthy and content member of society. It will take all your wits and cunning to outsmart every attempt to make you better.

By following this prescriptive guide, I hope you're able to obtain YOUR sick note and a prescription for vast quantities of dangerously powerful, fiendishly addictive and deadly medications which can be mixed to make you sick, dying and dead in horrendously toxic combinations. It's a difficult challenge to obtain the wrong treatment, but given that the reward is pain, suffering and death, it's worth the effort.

Just remember: your GP is not on your side. You and your GP want different things, and you should stick resolutely to your desire to have the WRONG treatment and remain sick and dying. Every time you trick your GP into giving you the wrong treatment, or refuse the right treatment, you're winning.

Good luck and STAY SICK!


[P.S. apologies to my GP if they should read this for some reason]

