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4 min read

This is a story about two world wars...

EU at Westminster

Did I just wake up out of a coma? Has this all been a very bad dream? What the actual fuck happened, after World War II? I thought we all decided that war was dreadful and that we should never forget that war is dreadful, so we should all stick together; as humans.

Isn't there general agreement that we're stronger when we're united? That's why we have unions: to redress the balance of power that the capitalists have to exploit workers. That's why we have the United Nations: to bring any rogue state under control, with a single global defence force. The World Wars were an awful thing, and the United Nations is the antidote. That's why we have the European Union: to recognise the fact that we are neighbours who we want to trade with and live peacefully alongside. War in Europe was an awful thing, and the European Union is a kind of antidote.

The United States has a shameful history of unilateral military action against countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Completely ignoring the United Nations, the USA has deposed the leaders of Libya and Iraq and is having a bloody good go at Syria (and Iran before that... but I could go on forever). Say what you want about Gadaffi, Saddam and the Assads (father & son) but you have to admit that there was peace and stability across the Middle East and North Africa under these tyrants. There was no migrant crisis. There was no ginormous body count from internecine strife between Sunni and Shia; the Kurds were under control. Tunisia and Egypt were considered safe places to go on holiday. History has undoubtedly shown that regime change was an incredibly stupid thing to do, under the auspices of improving the lives of people living in those regions.

Now, yet again, the United States attacks Syrian government targets without a United Nations resolution and without independent verification of the alleged perpetrator of a chemical attack. There's only one 'good guy' in Syria and that's Assad, I'm afraid: he's the only one with a proven track record of maintaining peace and stability in the country. I don't give two fucks how many rebels he's killed. Didn't the UK just kill a rebel, after he smashed through the gates of Westminster, with his presumed intent to be to attack the very government itself?

That the UK sides with the USA and not with the United Nations makes me feel deeply ashamed and angry. The current government acts in my name, but in complete contradiction of my values.

Did I want to bomb Syria? No. Did I want to leave the EU? No. Do I support United States' unilateral military action, without United Nations resolutions? No. Do I want our government to make the UK more like the USA and less European? No. Do I support almost anything that our government is doing, and the things that they support? No.

I've had enough of hearing about how government probably knows best, because they've got access to military intelligence that allows them to keep us safe. They're not keeping us safe at all; they're leading us on a path of crumbling unity to war and terrorism.

Theresa May's lack of condemnation of the Saudi's barbaric acts has as much to do with the intelligence that we gather through that close relationship, as it does with the weapons we sell to them, that proved so useless that the United States had to send troops to defend them during the first Gulf War. That intelligence has so far kept the UK protected from a 9/11 scale attack, but all of this 'Great Game' bullshit pales in comparison with the migrant crisis and the destabilisation of pretty much the whole of North Africa, the Middle East and Turkey. That's a fuck of a lot of people whose lives have been - at the very least - disrupted.

I'm angry.

I'm angry because we get one shot at stopping the madness before it's too late. We get one shot at stopping the unity from crumbling and us descending into a free-for-all, where there will be countless lives lost and untold human misery. I'm angry because it's senseless, to tear down unions. I'm angry because it's arrogant to act alone, when the global community asks that you join them in unity.

We've got pretty much one shot at preserving our unity, and that requires us to do a big U-turn from the direction we're headed right now.

