This is a story about the rising sun...
My toes are literally a bloody mess. I have new smart formal black leather work shoes, that have not been broken in. I have been wearing an ankle brace on my left foot, because the muscle, tendons and nerves are all screwed up and it's difficult and painful to walk on that foot when I can't raise it and the muscle at the back of my leg - particularly around my hamstring - is swollen and tender.
I get up and strap this contraption to my leg, which involved pumping up some inflatable bubbles. One of the little inflatable pouches has developed a leak. Without the pouches being inflated, it seems that the velcro strap around my calf just slides down, and the plastic cover that goes over the top of my foot and up my shin, seems to work its way out of position and start giving me incredible pain. Basically, the ankle brace isn't really designed for walking 15,000 steps, commuting all over London and having to travel to fucking hospital every night after work for pointless blood tests.
To cap everything off, what nobody realises is just how close to breaking point, self sabotage, suicide, fucking myself up and everything that entails, I was. It's almost as if the universe has decided to throw all the consequences of a full on don't-give-a-fuck supercrack relapse at me, except that never happened. That's not to say I wasn't all prepared to press the fuck it button in the event that the job hunting fiasco carried on a moment longer. That's not to say that I wasn't already at the end of my rope. I was fucked off with everything. I was stressed and depressed and I'd reached my limit. Life was unsustainable.
Life is unsustainable if you can't pay your rent, pay your bills, buy food, afford to leave the house. Life is unsustainable if you're on collision course with bankruptcy that's going to make you unemployable. Life is unsustainable if you're doing everything that's within your control to do, but those things that are outside your control are not going your way, and there's no way you can make anything go faster or create a different result.
I got my result. I got my contract. I started the new job and I like it. I'm very happy with what I'm doing and who I'm working with. I'm overjoyed that my bank balance is moving in the right direction again, and I'm earning more than I'm spending to simply be alive. It costs money just to stand still. It costs money just to breathe the air and look at the moon and the stars. It costs money just to drink the rainwater. Finally, I'm getting money in again, and it's flowing in fast, which it needs to do because who knows how long my health can take this fucking rollercoaster bullshit.
Anyway, two weeks ago, I went from being suicidally depressed and giving up, to the point where I literally though there's no point even bothering going to hospital. I'd been pissing grey-black liquid and then it stopped. I stopped pissing. It was clear my kidneys had packed up. My leg/foot was fucked: numb, hanging limp and useless, and swelling up like a motherfucker. My trouser snake was seriously traumatised and had swollen up to the point where it was an almost unrecognisable blob of badly damaged flesh. There was skin that was literally peeling off, revealing pink rawness underneath. There was plenty of blood, of course.
The hospital wondered why I was resistant to the idea of a catheter. The doctors puzzled over why there was so much blood in the tiny bit of urine I managed to squeeze out as a sample. The catheter point came up again and again, but 'luckily' my bladder was empty, because my kidneys had completely failed. The doctors scanned with ultrasound, and found not a single drop of wee in my bladder. My kidneys were well and truly knackered.
This is the sort of shit that's supposed to happen if I go on a 10-day supercrack bender, where I end up hiding under my own bed and barricading every door in the house. This sort of shit only happens when I stop eating and drinking, and only ingest highly toxic chemicals that are known to be super destructive to poor kidneys. I had become so well practiced in the routine of the binges, that I knew exactly what shade of dark brown and metallic smell of blood, my urine had to have to indicate that it was time to either go to hospital or perhaps have a drink of some water and stop killing myself with deadly chemicals.
The really fucking annoying thing is that all that fucking happened this time is that I sat on my leg a bit funny. It's so fucking ridiculous. I'd been drinking isotonic drinks and generally looking after myself, avoiding deadly Chinese supercrack. What the actual fuck? How can this be the worst ever fucked up that I've ever ever been? Why the fuck does this have to co-incide with my chance to work my way out of the shitty situation I'm in? Why does this have to fuck up my plans for some nice meals out, holidays and to just generally enjoy not shitting myself about running out of money? All I have to do is turn up to work, and not fuck up for 5 or 6 months, and everything's fucking peachy again. I can do that. I've done that loads of times.
Why do I have to work so fucking hard for this? Why do I have to fight the doctors all the way, to understand that it's not just a job, but there's my whole sanity and will to live on the fucking line here. There's my whole fucking livelihood and future on the line here. It doesn't matter how much I wave the "serious medical problem" card, nobody gives a shit: it's a commercial market. I'll replaced overnight, with no qualms. That's business. That's the way of the world I work in.
The fact that I'm turning up to work, not looking too bad, and just about able to cope with the foot, kidney and cock problem, is a fucking miracle. The fact I haven't just said "OK, it's too fucking hard" and killed myself in a blaze of supercrack glory, is a fucking miracle. I've got the fucking stuff. I don't even want to take it. I want this fucking job.
Maybe that's the point.
Maybe that's the test: how bad can I want a job. I've never really wanted a job that badly. I've just wanted the fucking money, and really all I've wanted is to be able to take supercrack. The job has been just a means to an end; and that end is supercrack.
How can you just pause your addiction for 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, and then pick it up again? Well, it's the same skills you develop when you get a boring as fuck full-time permanent job. You learn to put up with you fucking shit job for fucking years don't you? Same fucking thing. You just count down the hours, minutes and seconds, until it's time to get the party started. I can pick up and put down my addiction just as easily as you pick up and put down anything: a meaningless thing you didn't mean to pick up, and you hastily just put it back and never give it a second thought. Scary, isn't it?
I've got some shit worth fighting for. I've got rid of a flatmate who was leeching away my cash. I've got a lovely girlfriend. I've got a nice place to live - albeit rented. I've got this well paid contract on a quite interesting project with quite interesting people. I've got money coming in, just in time to stave off any financial problems and replenish my dwindling savings. I've got the opportunity to have a nice lifestyle of eating out, travel and generally not stressing about money, and sharing that with a wonderful girl.
However, it's a pill that's too bitter to swallow, to have all that smashed up and taken away, right in front of my very eyes.
My kidneys will recover on their own, in time. My one-eyed trouser snake is recovering surprisingly fast, although it's still out of commission. I can live with the foot/leg problem - albeit by using copious amounts of pain relief. I can tolerate the risks. I can do the job. I can make it fucking work.
The demands of the fucking hospital are tipping me over the edge at the moment. The lengthy trips across London after work for blood tests are the very last thing I need. The stressful arguments with doctors who don't understand the reality of needing money to pay rent and bills, otherwise being evicted and bankrupted. Didn't these stupid fucks ever play Monopoly? You can't stand still. You have to roll the dice. It costs money just to be in the game - to be alive. You've always got to pay somebody. There's always somebody sending you a bit of mashed up tree that's been pressed into flat thin white rectangles, covered with inky hieroglyphics, demanding your money. There's always a bill for breathing.
I know how to win at this stupid game. I know how to get loads of fucking money, so you can beat those cunts who keep sending you envelopes, demanding money with menaces. "Give us all your money or else!"
I can get in front. I can get to the point where life is enjoyable again. I can beat the stress and anxiety.
Except I can't, because my kidneys are being slow to recover.
Slow to recover.
That's all it is.
I'm pissing plenty.
My kidneys are making plenty of wee.
My potassium is safely within the limits.
There's not a fucking problem. Leave me the fuck alone and stop making me do extra shit, because I'm maxed out commuting to my job, and making a good first impression on my first week.
If you want to fucking help me out, you can figure out what the fuck is wrong with my leg/foot. You [doctors] didn't even scan it, did you? You were far too busy saving my fucking life by getting my kidneys rebooted, but you didn't realise that my life was already under threat of suicide. It says in my notes that the last time I was in hospital, it was a psychiatric admission because I couldn't keep myself safe. That was two weeks in hospital, and this kidney shit only lasted 10 days, although I must admit that I discharged myself early. It all matters though. You can't ignore the psychological damage that you might do, and the risk to somebody's life that it might create.
I can tell you with almost certainty that my kidneys will recover on their own. I can also tell you with absolute certainty that I will self-destruct, if my hard won contract gets fucked up and I'm left without that all important income, job, routine, workmates, self-esteem and all the other good stuff that goes along with having a purpose in life.
Fuuuuck. what have I got to do? Change my mobile number? Move house?
I just want to be able to nip to Guy's and St Thomas Hospital - near my work - for any fucking essential shit that needs to happen, after work. I can't be traipsing all across London for some fucking bullshit belt & braces crap.
Like I say, I've got the gun pointed at my temple, and my finger over the trigger, itching to pull it. Just give me an excuse. Make my fucking day.
Tags: #suicide #drugs #addiction #hospital