This is a story about feedback...
Writing this blog has driven me deeper and deeper into the examination of the injustices and irresponsibilities of the past. The people I've targeted are ignorant, delusional and virtually illiterate.
I decided to write something else. A couple of publishers asked me to show them 10-20,000 words of a manuscript I'd written. I didn't have a manuscript, but I knew what I wanted to write. Memoirs are egotistical, biographies are for people who are narcissists.
I've written a book that explains everything I've learned about the systems and processes, gleaned from the last 4 years: Hospital, Mental Health, Crisis Teams, Police, homelessness, unpleasant wives, parents who give up on their children, sisters who want their brothers to shut the fuck up and stop being melodramatic.
I love my Mum and I miss her, but Dad is such a cowardly domestic abuser. He expects my Mum to be a mind reader, and umpteen times a day he will says something disrespectful, unpleasant, abusive to her. That's domestic abuse.
If you want to know just how much of a coward is, he spent about an hour taking the piss out of me on the phone, so I was pretty annoyed, and I said "let's talk about this face to face, and you can say those things to my face, and let's see what happens". He's 66 years old, so it's not like I was going to fight him, I just wanted him to be brave enough to take the piss out of me to my face.
When I turned up at the house, the back door was locked. Then my Dad appeared. He made no move to open the door. I hadn't travelled for over an hour to be staring at a coward behind a door. "Come on then, let's have it. Open the door and say what you just said to my face" I said. He remained immobile.
I picked up a giant stone urn and hurled it at the window glass. The urn shattered, but the glass was merely scratched. I picked up a smaller piece to throw, and that's when a terrified looking female Police sergeant appeared. She told me to drop the piece of urn, which I immediately did. She told me to put my hands on my head and face away from the door, which I immediately did. I was cuffed and put in the back of one of the 3 Police cars that were in attendance.
It seems that my Dad is such a coward he needs 6 police officers to protect him from having a respectful chat with his own son.
All in all I think 8 or 9 officers attended. According to the sergeant, they were all very scared when I was roaring with rage for my Dad to face me like a man and have a proper chat with me. She was not expecting me to fully co-operate at all.
My book is not about what a cowardly cunt my dad is. My book is supposed to help people whose lives have not been going that well with mental illness and drug abuse, to see that it's not a downward spiral. With the help of kind, nonjudgemental people, and a belief in yourself. you can make it through some rough patches.
My Dad is a criminal. He has a criminal record (spent) for the possession of drugs. I've been caught with Cocaine, Speed, Benzos, Ecstasy and α-PVP. I have no criminal record.
Draw your own conclusions from what it means that a criminal needs the protection of 9 Police officers, from an IT consultant.