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6 min read

This is a story about information technology...


In the beginning, there were sticks and rocks and maybe bits of vine. Perhaps there was some clay, and with fire, there came pottery.

There was the iron age, where metal tools were made, like the scythe, which led to greater agricultural yields.

The industrial revolution brought us steam power, and the use of coal as a source of vast quantities of energy far outstripped what could be achieved with horses and manpower.

Two world wars meant huge advances in factories and mass production, meaning that many more goods could be manufactured than would ever be needed by humanity. There are 62 Lego bricks for every man, woman and child on the planet.

Industrial chemistry - such as the Haber process - can produce vast quantities of fertilisers and pesticides, to give us food surpluses that are capable of adequately feeding every member of the human race.

The loom, which has been improved beyond all recognition to give us today's weaving and knitting machines, is now producing enough textiles that even the very poorest are able to wear garments that are recognisably 'fashionable'.

Medicine and surgery has advanced to the point where injuries and infections are now largely survivable. Germ theory, soap, disinfectant and antibiotics protect us from microbes, while chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgical interventions can often save many patients with different types of cancer.

The jet engine has shrunk the globe. People hop from continent to continent as if they were catching a train to work, and even the steam-powered locomotive is a relatively recent nation-shrinking innovation. With the intermingling of different cultures, the world's leading universities are able to share their top scholars and the very best ideas and research are circulated throughout academia.

But what of information technology?

Has the information age fulfilled its promises? As a young boy growing up in 1980s and 1990s Britain, I used to enjoy watching a BBC television program called Tomorrow's World. Many of us living in the postwar age of optimism and hope for the future, imagined a world filled with robots and hovercars. Where the fuck are they?

When I turn up at one of the railway stations that the Victorians built, instead of buying a ticket from a real person, I buy one from a robot. Except that this ticket machine still needs a real person to come along and extract the cash that it has collected in its hopper. The ticket machines still need a person to come along and replenish the spool of blank tickets, ready to be printed. Is there really much labour being saved?

Train travel in London is a particularly hot topic. When I travel on the Docklands Light Railway, the train is driverless. However, there is still a person on board to close the doors and check tickets. Tube drivers are unable to drive through a red signal without the train brakes being automatically triggered, but yet, we still have human drivers to tell us to stand clear of the doors and mind the gap [between the train and the platform].

We've all seen pictures of futuristic factories where robot arms are welding automobile bodies together, or spraypainting. The pictures of those robot arms have been standard stock footage of the factories of the future for my entire life. But yet, at the old car factory in Oxford - near where I grew up - BMW still have armies of people screwing Minis together by hand in a big production line. Surely, that can't be right, can it?

At the end of the day, computers aren't much use for anything, are they?

Quantum Mechanics, the biggest breakthrough in physics since the days of Newton, 200 years earlier, and the 'splitting' of the atomic nucleus, was all achieved without the programmable computer that we would recognise today. At the very same time as the undoubtably brilliant Alan Turing was creating the Enigma machine, the secrets of the subatomic world were being unlocked to unleash the atom bomb. Clearly, computers were not necessary for giant leaps forward in science.

The work at Bell Labs that yielded the semiconductor technology that's at the root of everything that we see as valuable today, was being done without the very microchips that were born due to the invention of the transistor. The world's most valuable company - Apple - puts computer chips inside boxes with a picture of a piece of half-eaten fruit on the outside.

So, now, what is the result, today?

Well, a bunch of geeks meet up to discuss how to address the crises that face humanity, using information technology. Then, tellingly, it turns out that it's all fake. It's all utter bullshit. It's all vapourware crap.

The I Sea app epitomises everything about the false promise of the information technology age for me, where complete fucktard "social media marketing" experts and ad-agency douchebags, who couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery, simply concoct some toxic vapourware bullshit that they know will be newsworthy (i.e. clickbait).

Yes, we can all imagine some pretty funky stuff, but it's science fiction not science fact. When all the posturing and hypothesising and dreaming is done, there are relatively few actual engineers out there who can tell you what can and can't be done with technology.

At the end of the day, we're talking about computer systems that were created to be some kind of automated abacus. The computers we have today were invented to count beans. The computers we have today are very good if you want to do some kind of compound interest calculation, but they're not going to solve world hunger. We already did that when we invented the tractor, combine harvester, fertiliser and insecticide.

So, if somebody tells you that machine learning, big data, artificial intelligence (AI), gamification and social media are going to solve all the world's problems, you have my permission to shout "BULLSHIT!" in their face really loudly. In fact, I encourage you to do so. We need less ineffectual waste-of-space blaggers in the world.

