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An Essay on Paranoia

10 min read

This is a story about the schizophrenic spectrum...

Spy Cam

"Does my bum look big in this?" sounds like an innocent enough question. Do you not have an adequate grip on reality to objectively judge yourself whether you look fat? Is it possible that you're feeling paranoid about other people's perception of you?

When you think about it, paranoia is rife.

Why do you close your curtains? Who would want to peer in at you? What's so interesting about you that anybody would want to watch you?

Why do you confess your true feelings when you're inebriated? What's so shameful about your innermost thoughts and feelings that you can't reveal them when you're sober? Why are you worried what people will think?

In the workplace, we feel inadequate. We feel underqualified. We feel like we're an imposter. We feel like we're just blagging, bluffing. We feel that our ruse could be exposed at any moment. Why do you stay in that crappy job that you're hopelessly overqualified for and you've completely mastered... is it because it's comfortable and you don't like the feeling that you're not good enough to do something more challenging?

When you're purchasing stuff, is it because you like the things that you're buying, or is it because you're thinking about how other people are going to judge you? Imagine you are supermarket shopping with your young children. When you are loading all your food onto the conveyor belt to be scanned by the checkout clerk, don't you feel that they're judging every purchase you're making? If you're buying crisps, chips, ready meals, chocolate, ice cream, sweets... isn't that supermarket employee going to be thinking "jeez, this person's a really bad parent for feeding their kid all this junk"?

Every time you share something on social media, is it because you're Facebragging, or do the sum total of your posts represent an accurate picture of your real life? Why are you sharing anyway? Why do you worry what other people think of you?

When you're at home, you sit around with stained jogging pants and a grubby T-shirt, swigging a beer and watching trashy TV. When you're out in the park, you're immaculately dressed, reading a pretentious novel. Why is that?

You're doing all these things almost without thinking. They're all driven by paranoia. You're paranoid that you won't be liked, won't be respected, won't be sexually attractive, won't be loved. You're paranoid that you'll be seen as a fool, a bad person, a bad parent, a bad employee. You're paranoid that you might get caught looking at your own reflection. You're paranoid that you might be accused of being a pervert for masturbating. You're paranoid that you might be laughed at for wanting a girlfriend or a boyfriend, but finding yourself rejected. You're paranoid that you're a bigot, a racist, sexist, stupid, ignorant, narcissistic, self-absorbed, selfish.

In actual fact, we all share exactly the same flaws.

Any child will be confused the first time they see the dyed green mohawk hair of a punk. A child reared in an exclusively white or black community will be confused the first time they meet somebody of the opposite skin tone. Any child will be confused the first time they are told they have to use the 'correct' bathroom.

We're built to pair up sexually, and we're bombarded with images of the most attractive people on the planet. We can't avoid comparing ourselves with others. Of course we are going to feel inadequate in the face of glossy magazines, TV personalities and movie stars. Pornography amplifies things still further: people are worried about the attractiveness of every inch of their bodies.

We are sometimes mocked for thinking that people are talking about us.

It's true. People do gossip. People are talking about you behind your back, all the time, especially if you're unwell. It's a vicious circle. The more paranoid and erratic your behaviour becomes, the more people will whisper about it, and then go silent and 'act normal' when you're in earshot. It's not unfounded paranoia. People like to gossip about anybody whose life appears less than perfect.

We like to label people. Crazy uncle Fred had a nervous breakdown, painted his torso with blue paint, adopted 50 rescue dogs and wandered around butt naked. Even though that was years ago and now crazy uncle Fred is back running his accountancy practice, he's still "crazy" uncle Fred in his family. His family have loose lips, and everybody in Fred's town now calls him crazy Fred. Fred's friends have loose lips, and now his clients know that he's a bit "crazy" even though they would never mention it in his presence.

Your doctor may protect your confidentiality, but your friends and family certainly won't. Your friends and family will broadcast every slip-up. Your friends and family will attempt amateur psychoanalysis, with their foghorn voices.

People might not say to your face "I think you've gone mad and you should be locked up in an asylum" but they'll certainly say that to other people behind your back. It's sad but true. There's no sense in denying it. People just like to gossip and spread rumours, half-truths and conjecture.

The fact of the matter is that you are quite interesting. Most people are very private and most people hide their true selves.

We are relieved to discover that other people are just as flawed and fucked up as we are, when somebody's mask slips. We then take that relief a stage further, and spread the juicy gossip. Everybody loves to hear embarassing tales of misfortune.

The massive popularity of soap operas, fly-on-the-wall documentaries and reality TV proves that humans have an insatiable appetite for voyeurism, invasion of privacy, gossiping about people. Think about the millions of armchair psychologists, analysing the behaviour of the Big Brother contestants.

Also, your government is spying on you. Your government reads your emails. Your government listens to your phonecalls. This isn't a conspiracy theory. The revelations of Edward Snowden have proven beyond reasonable doubt that your government is snooping on every ordinary citizen.

For those who have a fragile grasp on sanity, there are plenty of things that will tip them into fully-blown paranoia. Paranoia can build and build, until you believe there are hidden cameras watching you. Some paranoid schizophrenics can believe that their thoughts are being read. Clearly, this is at the extreme end of the mental health spectrum, but right now I have 3 microphones and 3 cameras potentially recording me: my laptop, my smartphone and my smartwatch.

I was digging around in the data that Google had gathered on me without my knowledge, and I found that there was an accurate GPS record of my position for everywhere I've been, as well as hundreds of sound recordings. Of course, there is also my Internet search history and the vast digital paper trail that I have inadvertently created.

Although I expect all my friends and family know that I got sick, because of the aforementioned gossip, I want to make things crystal clear: I was briefly "crazy" uncle Nick. That moniker still follows me around even though I'm a highly paid and well respected IT consultant. I pay my rent, bills, taxes and generally conduct myself in a way that any outside observer would struggle to categorise as "crazy". By any measure or test that you could conduct, I'm just as sane as you are.

However, there was paranoia about who knows? How much do people know? What falsehoods had been perpetrated against me? It was driving me crazy. I decided to take action.

By documenting my inner monologue, my darkest moments, my most closely guarded secrets, I'm taking the power away from those who gossip and whisper behind my back. I'm getting rid of the grey area. If you want to know who I really am and what really happened, it's documented right here in exquisite unflinching uncensored detail.

I know that I'm being judged all the time anyway, so you might as well judge me on the truth, rather than on the bullshit that my persecutors would have you believe. I offer you all the facts, so that you can make an informed judgement. I would rather you reached your own conclusions, rather than the conclusions that those with an unpleasant agenda would prefer you to make.

It is a bit of a warzone. I spent my childhood with the pressure and expectation that I would lie about my parents' drug taking, alcoholism and unwillingness to act like mature adults, responsible parents, get jobs that would support the family. My parents' focus was on keeping up appearances, rather than acting with integrity, and I was expected to play along with their bullshit. They decided to throw me under the bus rather than admit any kind of wrongdoing. This blog documents the truth, rather than the false image that they present.

I doubt any of my friends or work colleagues have an unpleasant agenda. However, my ex-wife campaigned very actively to demonise me, compromise my confidentiality, undermine my good name, discredit me. This document tells the side of the story that never got told, because I acted with integrity and presumed that she would too. I was exhausted and sick - how could I defend myself? I doubt she's ever told anybody how she abused me, beat me. I know with absolute certainty that she's told friends and work colleagues that I've struggled with mental health problems and addiction.

Of course, I have plenty of stuff that I've done wrong. It's all documented here in gory detail. I've made mistakes, but people have broadcast them in order to hurt and damage me. I'm being brave enough to re-tell those mistakes that were already loudly trumpeted by my persecutors. It's true that I'm also telling the things that were wrongly perpetrated against me, in a way that appears to be tit-for-tat, but it's actually just presenting a full and accurate picture.

I'm well known for my honesty. To present some "whiter than white" image of myself, to try and offset this demonic image that my parents and ex-wife paint of me, would be yet another falsehood. It serves no purpose, to simply hit back and point out the awful things that my persecutors have perpetrated against me.

I'm moving from a bad place to a much better place, in that I'm now pleased that people know things about me that are correct, even if they don't paint me in a flattering light. I'm less horrified that people know things that mean my confidence has been horribly betrayed by people who are supposed to care about me.

By all means, go ahead and talk about me all you like now. It's immensely liberating living life as an open book. It's a fantastic feeling, to be judged on balanced facts, rather than half-truths, falsehoods and bullshit "holier than thou" images that my persecutors have painted of themselves.

If it sounds a little paranoid, you're wrong. True friends have told me what's been said behind my back, and my persecutors have even admitted betraying my confidence on particularly private and sensitive things, that they absolutely should have treated with confidentiality.

I'm quickly approaching a time when I will be satisfied that the tale is told. I've presented all the information. I stand by my sins. I'm ready for judgement.

It is a bit of an alarming situation. I'm preparing to die, because I'm exhausted by the bullying and the mistreatment at the hands of my family, my ex-wife.

If you've heard anything bad about me, consider this: don't be surprised if the dog that you beat turns around and bites you one day.

