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Addicted to Honesty

6 min read

This is a story about the power of truth...

Handful of pills

We love to jump to conclusions. In fact, our brains are designed to predict, rather than to simply present reality, as it really is. There's no way that a professional tennis or cricket player could respond to the ball, once it's left the racquet or hand of their opponent. Human reaction times are actually quite slow, so the brain makes predictions, based on the available information.

I'll re-iterate that, because it's quite important. When a tennis ball is served up by a professional opponent, there is not enough time for the eyes to see the ball, the image to be processed by the visual cortex, your brain to make a decision about whether to swing your racquet left or right, and then your motor cortex to move your muscles to intercept the ball. In actual fact, a professional tennis player makes all their decisions based on the body language of their opponent, in advance, before the ball is even struck.

The reality that you experience is a perceived reality. It might seem like a crisp and colourful 3-dimensional world around you, full of sound and smell, but actually, your brain is just feeding you the tidbits that are interesting, that you might want to make a cerebral decision about. That's why you can ignore a dull hum - white noise - but you can't ignore a scream or the sound of breaking glass.

There are far too many stimuli in the world around us for us to evaluate every single one for signs of danger. It was evolutionarily advantageous to keep the brain a reasonable size, so we could at least run away from things without being completely weighed down by a massive head. There's an optimal ratio of brain power to weight. The really brainy kids got eaten by predators, because they had the capacity to perceive, but not the brawn to evade. These brainy kids were most acutely aware that they were going to get eaten by a sabre tooth tiger: the ultimate realisation of the expression "ignorance is bliss".

I'm not saying that I'm brainy, but what I am saying is that your perception of me is incomplete. You have made more assumptions about me than you're aware. Your brain has taken the few fragments, the breadcrumbs that I've given you, and it's tried to present a complete description of who I am to you. This is an illusion.

We often talk about being a "good judge of character" and this is probably correct. Through life experience, we learn body language and facial expressions that allow us to guess when we're being lied to, deceived. We learn who the wrong 'uns are in life, and who harbours malice in their hearts.

An addict's brain has been hijacked. Reward systems in that brain are causing the addict to award a toxic chemical with an importance normally reserved for food and sex. There's a belief that an addict will murder and steal in order to support their habit, but it's easier to understand things in these terms: what would you be prepared to do if you were starving?

You feel like you wouldn't murder if you were starving, but you might be prepared to steal an apple from a highly profitable supermarket chain, right? Besides, you'd pay them back when you could, right? Here's where that perception thing comes in. Even though you think addicts would murder somebody to get their next fix, they actually think just like you do. Drug withdrawal is exactly the same as hunger, starvation, in the brain.

Dietary Supplements

Does it surprise you that the handful of pills in the first picture actually turn out to be a load of dietary supplements that are not psychoactive? The chemicals in the pills are vitamins, minerals, proteins and amino acids. They are the building blocks that your body is made from. They are no more toxic than a salad, some beans, some turkey, some juice. They're certainly not drugs, even though they're packaged similarly.

Some people believe that drug use is a victimless crime. Adults are allowed to go off-piste skiing, kill themselves with alcohol, race motorbikes, climb dangerous mountains... these things are a risk for the individual, but they are permitted under law. When we look at the antisocial harms of drug use, alcohol is by far and away the biggest offender in society, yet it's legal and its use is enshrined in culture.

My guess would be that the majority of people think that drug use has its victims. Whether it's those who are victims of thefts and burglaries or those who are caught in the crossfire of the drug war, gang warfare for the desirable turf, for trafficking and drug dealing. One of the main reasons for spending billions of dollars on drug 'crime' is because we believe that drug addicts are bad people, as opposed to starving people. We wouldn't attack the victims of a drought, but we do attack those people whose hunger and thirst for drugs has reached a level where their brains tell them to obtain chemical substances at all costs.

But what about choice? Didn't addicts choose to become addicted? Well, you tried beer didn't you? You had some wine, didn't you? Did you choose not to become addicted, or did you find that you can just naturally stop drinking when it's not socially or economically appropriate to do it anymore? You have no problem stopping drinking, but why does that mean that an alcoholic chooses to have a problem with booze? Who would choose to destroy their liver, their livelihood, their family and ultimately their life?

So, we can understand that alcoholism is not a choice, but something that afflicts a small proportion of alcohol users. Drinking alcohol is not the same as being an alcoholic... surely we all see that? Therefore alcoholism is a result of genetic or environmental factors, outside the control of the free will of the addicted individual. That is to say, if it's a choice, there's something so awful about the life of an alcoholic, that they prefer the damage they are doing to themselves, instead of a life without the numbing intoxication of their chemical crutch.

Empathy is required to understand the mechanisms of addiction, but from your initial knee-jerk fear and mistrust, we can even move towards a position of sympathy. We can see addicts as the victims of starvation, rather than predators out to murder and steal.

Sushi Bed

You got hungry and you craved food. You went and got food and you ate it to satisfy your craving. Does that make you an addict? A food addict?
