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300,000 Words and Counting

4 min read

This is a story about quantity not quality...


I just drank two bottles of wine and I can still hammer out 50 words a minute in typing tests, but when I connect my brain directly to a keyboard I'm probably getting a lot closer to 70 or 80 WPM. Of course, most of it is garbage.

It shocks me that columnists and professional writers can command huge sums of money, for what is essentially an imperative for me. I have to write, otherwise I would go mad with all this crap rattling around inside my head.

I have spammed friends that I admire for their literary and intellectual credentials, in the hope that they will validate that my contribution has some merit. However, I've yet to hit pay-dirt.

It's quite possible that I've caused myself a considerable brain injury, by abusing powerful narcotics for a substantial period of time, during a rather nasty and acrimonious divorce. I now have the displeasure of working a shit day job in order to replenish my finances, and otherwise I fill my days with copious amounts of alcohol and blindly firing out these missives into the uncaring void.

So, I now face a crisis of confidence. I achieved my writing target of producing 300,000 words in less than a year. My other objective was to write for a whole year, but I feel massively discouraged, given how I feel like I've lost my way this year with any coherent thread that would draw readers into my narrative.

I have little interest in the cult of quotes that sweeps the Internet with its retweetable content and endless motivational images, superimposed with trite platitudes.

Whenever I achieve a goal that I have set for myself, I always suffer a depression, knowing that I'm once again purposeless. It might be 8 years ago, but I remember getting a couple of iPhone Apps to number one in the charts. I just thought "well, that was easy" and then I was completely lost as to what to do next.

I'm wondering if a million words might be a cool target next. A million words is 25 novels. Why the hell not? If I wrote twice as much as I did in the last 10 months, I could be done in a year's time.

Imagine that. Imagine being the author of a million words. Imagine being the author of 25 novels. Would you feel proud? Would you feel like you achieved something? Would you feel like you made an impact, a contribution?

Do you think that gifted amateurs are welcome in the creative world, or are they just drowning out talented and dedicated artists? Do you think that the mommy blogger should STFU? Do you think that to write, to paint, to play an instrument or sing... these things are the preserve of those who have been on creative writing courses, taken fine arts degrees, attended stage school?

Is there a monopoly on creativity? Am I just another dribbling idiot, churning out low-quality crap in a sea of white noise, barely able to string a sentence together?

Now that I'm writing simply for my own sanity and enjoyment, the pressure is off. I easily achieved the quantity goal I set for myself. Perhaps I can be a little more creative and playful, now that I don't have a certain word count to aim for.

I'm presently unsure whether my purpose is served on this planet, and it's now time to kill myself. In a way, I want to see what happens when I hit the one year mark, but I'm also rather underwhelmed by the prospect of prolonging the agony of daily existence, if I'm just another pointless twat churning crap out into the ether.

I look at lemmings, and I think there's nobility in ending your life, when the world is clearly overpopulated by special little snowflakes.

