This is a story of a leap of faith...
This is what's happening to me now that I have stopped drinking strong coffee.
"Coginitive impairment" sounds terrifying, and it certainly isn't pleasant to experience, but that's what I have chosen to go through by stopping my caffeine intake fairly abruptly. I didn't taper down, because of the long half-life of caffeine and the fact that it's in so many everyday things, like cola and headache tablets.
That's actually the first symptom of caffeine withdrawal that I experienced: an extremely unpleasant headache. The symptom onset can take a surpring amount of time, but then again, caffeine takes a long time to be metabolised.
The next symptoms crept up on me slowly, slowly:
- Inability to concentrate
- Poor impulse control
- Motor/verbal tics
- Cognitive impairment
I definitely do not "have wings" at the moment. It feels like my frontal lobes are completely inactive, which I guess is a little bit equivalent to a partial lobotomy.
Definitely not good for productivity, but the brain is a plastic organ, and can learn how to re-regulate its neurotransmitter levels in my synapses and at receptor sites.
So, it's hard work at the moment, but I no longer want to be a slave to tea, coffee, cola/energy drinks etc. etc.
It feels pretty horrible at the moment though, and I've been doing it for weeks.
My sleep is improving all the time though.
Wish I could write more, but I'm really struggling!
Tags: #caffeine #addiction #mentalhealth