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Advent Calendar (Day Seventeen)

7 min read

This is a story about legal highs...

Amino Acids and Vitamins & Minerals

When your parents are drug addict losers, you have to do a lot of research if you're going to save their life. Their health damage is probably too bad to save them now, but if my niece gets to spend a little longer with granny & granddad, then it will have been worth it.

The above amino acid and vitamin complex is what is necessary if want to replenish the brain chemicals that drugs wash out of your system.

Let's do a bit of a tour:


This is the precursor to dopamine. You can give yourself early-onset Parkinsons if you take excessive dopamine agonists (e.g. Cocaine) and damage the neurons in the Basal Ganglia. Don't fuck with dopamine. It gets you out of bed in the morning.

You can fuck up your domaninergic system with all kinds of drugs. Crystal Meth and Amphetamine and Caffeine. Yes, that's right, Caffeine. Same thing. Caffeine is legal amphetamine.

5-Hydroxytrypophan (5-HTP)

This is the precursor to Serotonin and Melatonin. Very important for mood regulation, digestion and sleep. You do want to poop don't you? Well, it's best to not cause neurotoxicity to your serotonin releasing neurons. 5-HTP can also be an excellent sleep regulator, as it will give you a melatonin boost.

There are few street drugs that deplete 5-HTP. But there's one very popular one: 3,4-Methyledioxymethamphetamine... Ecstasy, or 'pills' as they're colloquially known. Suicide Wednesday is not known by that name for no reason, amongst the clubber/raver community.


This is the precursor to adrenaline and noradrenalin. You might think it'd be cool to be like me and have your adrenal gland so burnt out that I have no self preservation instinct, but most people don't drive or cycle with the ability that I do. You're an organ donor if you hesitate for a single second in threading the eye of the needle in-between double decker busses.

Adrenalin might seem annoying when you get "Elvis Legs" on a really difficult climb, trying to clip a bolt and knowing that if you miss, you're going to fall about 40 feet or more. Eventually your body re-adjusts, and standing on the top of a 1,500ft tall spike of rock, without any ropes attached to you, is all about the photo-op rather than the potential death.

In the office, people get annoyed with you. They wander over to your desk to tell you how important the report they need is. You just ask them how many people's lives are at danger. You ask how many lives are going to be saved, and then they go away.

Vitamin B6

Very good for allowing all the amino acids to be absorbed into your body. You get a lot more bang for your buck with B6.

Tea & Coffee Extracts

You've been drinking tea and/or coffee for most of your life and your "because I like it" excuse is not watertight. It contains caffeine, so you have habituated the ritual of drinking it. I like making tea. I like the hot water plant alkaloid extraction method (infusion). It reminds me what a bunch of ignorant addicts - who are in denial - that I have to live with.

The extracts that I take are a bit like decaf tea or coffee. They are giving your body the other complex set of chemicals in tea and coffee, without the addictive caffeine and the weirdo behaviour of having a hot drink on a hot day.

Vitamins & Minerals

Yes, everybody knows you can knit your own yoghurt if you have a flower in your hair and have wind chimes that annoy the shit out of the neighbours. Rather than grow a massive pile of fruit and vegetabes in a window box that I don't even own, it's easier to make sure that I'm topped up on all my vitamins and minerals with a single daily pill.

Pills don't replace a balanced diet but they sure as hell are more convenient than having to plan meals around whether I'm getting adequate trace amounts of everything that makes a healthy body.

If you drink alcohol or take mind-bending drugs, they're depleting your body's nutrients. Your brain will be flooded with a month of serotonin, for example, when you drop an Ecstasy pill. I don't condone drug taking, but kids will be kids. The best thing that the mum and dad of a raver kid can do for them is to buy them some 5-HTP, if you want to avoid suicide Wednesdays.

Also, if somebody who isn't me had been on a massive drug bender, their cravings would be pretty damn terrible. The NHS will put you on a 'script'... that is to say that they will keep giving you the drugs you need because the crash will be so awful that you'll probably kill yourself, or go and nick a car stereo to pay for a bag of drugs. It's smart drug policy to have your population not nicking car steros and killing themselves on a comedown.

Would it surprise you to learn that I've been in The Priory? It was a bit shit actually. There were no celebrities (apart from me) and the tellies were bolted down so you couldn't even chuck them out of the window, not that the windows opened very wide.

I wasn't in The Priory on a Librium script, so I couldn't have been an alcoholic. I wasn't in The Priory on a subutex or methadone script, so I couldn't have been a heroin junkie. I wasn't in The Priory on a dexedrine script, so I couldn't have been a crystal meth or amphetamine junkie. I've decided to make it the world's shittest Christmas present to tell the world why I was in The Priory, on this coming Christmas Day 2015. Just for the hell of it.

One of the most amusing phone calls I have ever received was from my boss at JPMorgan saying that they'd got a really nice bonus for me, because of all my good work in the 6 months I'd been in the team. I'd saved the world from a market liquidity event that could have seen another Credit Crunch get triggered. I had other things on my mind, but it's still nice to hear that stuff.

If I had one piece of business advice for you: hire a junkie. They work their fucking arses off.

Staying clean is expensive though. What goes up must come down, and you're going to need £200 of dietary supplements to plug the hole in your brain.

When I say 'junkie' I also include those compliant little freaks that like doing homework, and people who are prepared to neck huge bottles of Modafinil and Methlyphenidate (Ritalin) and any other study aids. Doping in eduction is as bad as doping in sport, if not more widespread. The drugs are cheap and your earning potential will pay you back many times over. It's a good investment.

The adversarial system with 'winners' is totally screwed.  People will do anything for a competitive edge. Personally, I just want to have the odd day where I'm not lethargic and negative and disinterested in everything, and I have to try and shout down the urges to run a sharp knife through my radial artery.

Never let it be said that I didn't try every avenue.

No Drugs for Me

No drugs for me, please. I'll just take a coffee to go. Could you just put a shot of dexedrine in it for me though, please? (February 2015)
